Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Donna too Stupid to Read in Context, Throws the "Stupid" Charge Around

Donna does her part as a passenger on the bandwagon...

[quote]Originally posted by Donna
Thanks to you, too, for giving the stupid a bit of free education.[/quote]

Stupid is not using your brains to analyze and comprehend what you're reading. As a "writer," you should understand that reading is more than just knowing how to read each word. It's also knowing what's being communicated, and why it's being communicated.

Using "antique" instead of "antic" isn't stupidity. It's me using a word, that describes old items, to describe games people play over and over and aver again.

He didn't give me any education. All he did was demonstrate his desperation and his failure to connect the dots. He thought that he was straightening me out, but all he did was act like an ass by showcasing his reading comprehension failure.

That was also him proving to me that people do read what I say.

Also, don't dismiss a person's standing his ground, and refusing to take your abuse, as that person being "stupid."

If I'm "stupid," quotations used strongly, for using "antiques" in my statement, then everybody that used the term, "sucking up" is "stupid."

If you don't see how idiotic you come across to logical thought, you need to quit being a writer/editor, and to go back to school.

By the way, quit sucking his dick. If you understood what that meant, you're a hypocrite.


ldkfjsdf said...

Hi, I have a similar post on my blog! Strange that there are just as many foes of DSS as DMS, if not more! They are just a bunch of idiot moaners. They discovered my post and now they cannot stop bitching about it! www.mightyhighway.com :)

Writer Cubed said...

I found that post. You were spot on.

I had to laugh at Catfish Charlie's comments about the majority of DSSers having advanced degrees. I'm sorry, but the critical thinking/logical reasoning is absent from the majority of their posts. That's something you'll find in posts from people that have college degrees.

Most those posters aren't real writers. Consequently, they don't know how to interact with other writers. If they bothered behaving like real writers, they'd be more welcoming of other writers.

This "eat your young mentality" has made them just like Demand Studios. Groundskeeper talked about them spending months/years being abused by DMS. He may be forgiving of them, but I tend to hold people accountable for their actions.

The fact that they'd belly ache about our blog posts speaks volumes about their low self esteem. In real life, they haven't accomplished much in life.

Sadly, there's a "help wanted" sign in their city that they're not responding to.