Ladidah pulled a stunt that the others on Demand Studios Sucks, and elsewhere, pulled. Ladidah comes across as someone that doesn't have much to be proud of in real life. It looked like Demand Media Studios' dry up was having an impact on her writing career.
Sweltering in misery, Ladidah, like the others, strived to "cut someone down." Deep down inside, this poster knew that I was doing better than she was. She knew that I've done more with my life, and have been around more places, than she has.
None of these posters wanted to believe the facts that I presented about myself. What I said forced them to see that not every freelance writer was "hurting."
Demand Media was never my sole source of income. I've got a wide client base for my freelance writing business. This is a fact that increased the Demand Studios Sucks' posters' resentment against me.
[quote]Originally posted by "Ladidah"
I'm not overtly asking for money. I have an ebook and I'm going to show you how to spam message boards because I make .25 a message by spamming. I mean, sure I'm only 22 years old, but I've been spamming message boards since 2003. I just want to show you how to get through the filters so you can spam. PLEASE BUY MY EBOOK (available for a limited time at the low, low price of $4.95).
This is a straw man statement. You're making assumptions that aren't consistent with my intentions. It also assumes that I'm a spammer.
There's no secret message in my original post. I gave you my real intentions. My earning money from you guys was nowhere near my mind when I made that post. I don't intend to make money from you guys out of this.
I wish I were 22... that'd mean that I'd retire from the military before turning 30.
If I had an ebook to sell, it wouldn't be on spamming, and I definitely wouldn't sell it on Demand Studios Sucks.
Let's face reality. Many of you guys insinuate that you're writing full time. Many of you are acting like you've got high paying writing jobs lined up, and that you're better than those that write solely for Demand Studios.
The reality?
You guys are sitting around in a virtual parking lot. You're waiting for the Demand Media Studios Van to take you guys to your shovel ready DMS jobs. Many of you claim that you're waiting for your next project. Yet, you're killing time posting on Demand Studios Sucks all hours of the day.
Freelance writers with time to post on Demand Studios Sucks, any time of the day, obviously have time to do something to build their writing careers. If they're posting regularly on DSS, it's highly unlikely that they have all these high paying written assignments lined up... unless they're like me when it comes to speed typing and speech to text.
My target audience contains DMS writers who only wrote for Demand Media. They've been zombified with their DMS easy money arrangement.
Who needs to go looking for new clients when you could spend that time churning out another $15.00 article?
Nope. If I had something to sell, it wouldn't be for you guys on Demand Studios Sucks.
Ladidah: This motherfucker right here has experience on message boards, bitchez, since goddamned 2003! Bow the fuck down right now, you weak pussy mofos, because he is the king of messages boards and he will message board your asses straight to hell. Fuck with him and he will prove his utter bad-assness by posting another goddamned message to a message board and bring his message board buddies to show you lame fucking whores how to properly post to message boards! (FALLACY: STRAW MAN)
If the posters on Demand Studios Sucks "bowed down," and ceded the fight to me, the fight would be over. Unfortunately, the opposition doesn't have any integrity or honor. Their pride keeps them in the fight. They utilized the gang mentality to try to drive me from the forum. They don't realize that this makes me want to fight more.
The easier, and smarter, way to get me to go away would've been to do what you suggest above.
I don't go to other message boards to bring people into the fight that I'm engaged in. However; I would continue a fight from one message board, to another message board or blog, if administrative actions are taken on the debate thread, or on me.
Many in the Demand Sucks opposition think of themselves as "writers." Yet, I don't see that in their thought process.
There's a difference between the demeanor on real "writer" boards and the Demand Studios Sucks forums. But again, the DSS forums happen to be a playground for content farm writers. The DSS opposition has plenty of room for improvement, both as debaters and as people calling themselves, "writers."
Ladidah: I mean, look at this awesome keyboard commando! He even, oh my god, edits quotes that he replies to. Holy shit! That's fucking revolutionary. Don't mess with him, guys and gals, because this motherfucker is a pro at using message boards and he will type really fucking hard to prove it. (FALLACY: STRAW MAN)
Yet, nothing said about you editing what I said. Talk about hypocrisy.
A keyboard commando, a troll, would do nothing but hurl insults. They'd also say things they don't really mean to say just to get a reaction. Said person wouldn't restrict himself, or herself, on one thread. Trolls wreck havoc across multiple threads. They'll also say things on the Internet they wouldn't say face to face.
Notice how I just stayed in that one thread.
Also, what I said here, I'd say to someone face to face. What I've told you on DSS, I'll tell you face to face. That's not something a troll would do.
As far as editing posts that one replies to, I'm not the only one that does this. The person that I replied to did the same thing. I guess that's "OK" in your eyes if the opposition does it.
Proving people wrong doesn't take much effort. All you have to do is provide the facts against their misconceptions.
Ladidah: You can see his super awesome message board prowess from the way he misuses font colors. You bitchez are super lame because if it wasn't for thebigkeyboardwarrior (He was on the goddamned Old Protest Warrior Forums, WATBs) you wouldn't even know how to change the font color. Everyone knows you can't win an online deBATE unless you can throw off your foes by changing the fucking font colors. BOW, BITCHEZ! (FALLACY: STRAW MAN)
You win an online debate by advancing a reasonable argument based on facts and logic. That's what I've done on my DSS thread, that's what I've done on previous message boards.
My use of blue font color, on DSS, had nothing to do with any of the debating strategies that I used there. Sarcasms, straw men, red herrings, etc, are what the opposition uses in their feeble attempt to throw strong debaters away from their trail.
That's precisely what I see the opposition, including you, doing.
Ladidah: Holy shitballs, you babies, this motherfucking MAN has been involved with threads that stretched many, many pages. RECOGNIZE THE SUPERIORITY!
The DSS opposition behaved the same way other's have behaved on other message boards.
Many of the posters on Demand Studios Sucks aren't the only ones that try to drive people away from a forum, or from a message board. Like the opposition before them, they're assuming that they could accomplish the same with me. I'm reminding them that I won't quit, regardless of their numbers and efforts.
I'm letting them know that I'll keep fighting them until they give up. That's a fact that seems to bother you to the core. It still bothers you, as you're still ranting about me long after my username got banned.
Ladidah: Oh, oh! How to be an online debate Winner
You learn to win debates by watching my actual actions. You don't win via your sarcasms. You don't win by deliberately misunderstanding my statements and actions.
Ladidah: 1.) Change the font color. It really throws off your opposition. Pick blue-on-blue. Only a newfag thinks normal font is black anyway. (REPEAT POINT)
The blue font color has no part in my debate strategy. It's a color that I've attached symbology to, and a color that I like to use.
As far as debating, I don't need to throw people off. That's a strategy that they try to use on me. For example, look at the posters that blindly attacked me for using a word that I intended to use.
Ladidah: 2.) Repeatedly mention how long you've been online.
There's a difference between talking about how long you've been online, and how long you've debated on line.
If the opposition were honest, and had integrity, they'd admit that they're fighting to have the last word. My mentioning how long I've debated is me reminding those people that I have every intentions of outlasting them.
Any observant poster would know that there's a reason behind the things I say and do. For example, if people hint at driving me away, of me disappearing, or of anything intended to "discourage" me, I'm going to remind them how long I've been doing this.
Ladidah: 2003 is 9 years ago (NOTE: This was posted in October 2011).
It's not 2012 yet. Of course, I could see how the "bullies" on this message board would consider it, "the end of their world," if someone stands his ground instead of running.
Ladidah: and is a really, really long time ago if you're only 22-- Go with that.
Actually, it's a short time. My starting my online debating seems like it happened yesterday.
By the way, subtract 20 from the erroneous age that you gave me, and you'll get an idea of how old you come across to me with your reactions.
Ladidah: So what if other people were debating on UseNet 10 years prior? 2003, bitchez!
You missed the point. The opposition seemed to have spent those years doing things the wrong way. I did things the right way. Doing something longer than someone else doesn't always translate into the former doing something better than the latter.
When I use that length, it's to remind people that I have no intentions of giving up.
Ladidah: 3.) Repeatedly mistake mockery for support.
I read all your replies before I submit the first post in my batch of replies. I know sarcasm when I see it. Sarcasm is a tactic that people shift to when they've lost the original debate. There's a purpose to the way I put my replies together in response to them.
The opposition here isn't the first opposition to resort to sarcasm. I typically tell them that they come closest to reality when they're sarcastic. They're closer to reality, when sarcastic, than they are when they're serious.
I'm used to taking on multiple people, without allies on my side, on a thread.
There's also a purpose behind every action I take. In your case, my actions worked beautifully.
Ladidah: Because they're not really rolling on the fucking floor, pissing their pants laughing at you.
They aren't. Far too many people in the opposition pull shit out of their asses. When I cause them to suffer the consequences of those actions, they try to talk about "having fun at my expense." That's pure bullocks. That's just one of their Baghdad Bob comments aimed at saving their stance.
The only side laughing, as a result of this exchange, is me. Debating with the opposition is like making a dog chase its own tail around.
Ladidah: 4.) Mention how you don't have time to fuck around with video games because you're too busy online WINNING debates.
You either have piss poor reading comprehension abilities, or you're blinded with your own arrogance. When I say that I'm busy with real writing and other important stuff, that's precisely what I mean.
I don't have time to either play video games, or post on message boards all day. I debate on one message board at a time. Once the opposition quits addressing me, I spend time doing something else, or debating on another message board.
Also, don't assume that I type at the same rate as you. You'll also be amazed at what you can accomplish with speech to text software.
Ladidah: Everyone knows that being a strong keyboard warrior is hard, hard work. Convince those motherfuckers to buy your book!
Fact checking the opposition's comment doesn't make someone a keyboard warrior. Once you guys give me the material, it becomes a simple matter of dismantling you guy's drivel.
Ladidah: 5.) Mention you have keyboard warrior friends and you will bring in reinforcements. Tell members of a forum, er, I mean, message board used to mock others that you will mock them. Because that shit right there is scary and will give you an easy win.
All I did was mention the fact that I'd continue this fight on another message board. It'd be a simple matter of reconstructing your response for others to see. The posters in the Demand Studios Sucks opposition are low quality when it comes to critical thought and integrity. That should make others feel superior.
Mocking the opposition doesn't take much work. All you have to do is counter their replies. This action doesn't constitute an "easy win." It's just me having more fun at the opposition's expense.