James Shepherd: You claim to be educated
Not a claim, but a statement of fact. It's a fact that I'm a doctoral candidate on the research phase of my program. A claim is something that is not proven and is subject to being tested for validity.
James Shepherd: and then post a 100% bullshit meme.
Yet, you did nothing to prove the meme "wrong", nothing. A meme is not BS simply because you claim it is. You have to PROVE it to be such which, by looking at your emotion driven rant, you have not done so. Thus, the argument presented in my meme still stands.
You also failed to post this specific response to my response containing the meme. You did this deliberately, assuming that I was not going to counter your argument, something that I did on that thread just as I've done here.
James Shepherd: GTFOH.
Retired Soldier, war veteran here. I have every right to exercise my first amendment rights, on that thread, here or elsewhere, rights I was willing to come back in a flag draped coffin for.
The fact that you'd tell me to "get out of here," together with the rest of your comment, indicates someone who has anger issues, ego issues, and control issues. Your response is typical of that of someone who didn't get his way and is "pulling a tantrum" in response.
James Shepherd: You're just another partisan moron [SELF-PROJECTION]
First, you failed to prove anything that I posted, either via the comment or via the meme, "wrong." All you've done was blow hot air out while demonstrating lack of restraint and lack of discipline on your part.
Second, I don't comment, or argue, on a topic unless two conditions are simultaneously met:
1. I have extensive knowledge on the topic gained from firsthand experience and/or extensive study/research...
2. Those who disagree with me, or would disagree with me, have little to no knowledge of the debate topic.
Both of these were met. You proved it with your own actions, choosing to issue insults and show anger, ego, and control issues rather than address the points that I advanced. You also dodged replying to me directly where I could respond to you on that thread.
I've been debating against Democrats for 20 years, and this has been a part of my strategy.
James Shepherd: that is merely repeating BS right wing talking points.. [SELF-PROJECTION]
Speak for yourself. Again, I've been debating against Democrats, online, for 20 years. Your reaction here is nothing new, I've lost count of how many times I've had your very argument spewed in my direction throughout those two decades.
It's like you guys are passing the same script around... Must be aged, yellowish, wrinkled, by now. You and others are like those non player characters in a video game who keep repeating the same script, no matter where these characters show up.
Don't dismiss a fact based, reasoned, logical argument as "BS right wing talking points," especially when you're going to do so repeating the same leftist script I've come across over the past 20 years, and especially if you're going to fail to prove your claims beyond emotionally making them.
James Shepherd: Stop trying to make everything a partisan issue
On a post involving politics, related to an upcoming election, you should expect people to take one side of the argument or the other.
James Shepherd: and you'll actually LEARN something.
Sorry, for me to learn something from someone, they actually have to know what they are talking about or doing. Again, you failed to prove your claims, other than ranting them. Also, do you honest to God expect me to do anything that you demand given how you responded to me? Guaranteed, the way you talked to me does nothing but further entrench me in my arguments and habits while making me more hostile to yours. Demonstrating tact goes a long way with me, learn it.
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