Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tonya Zylka Johnson Loses Debate... Blocks Victor - 6

 Tonya Zylka: Larry Ferm in my opinion anyone who allows themself to follow

You are erroneously assuming that we think like leftists. We don't. As for our support for President Trump, it's largely because of the facts. He made an argument, during the election campaign of 2016, of what he would do. He has set out to do that. He has accomplished more, in less than four years, then what the last president accomplished in his entire two terms.

President Trump was doing the things that we, conservatives, have complained prior conservatives refused to do... They did not have the backbone. If we are to "abandon President Trump", who would we then support? One of the spineless RINOS? No thanks. Sleepy Creepy Joe? F(BEEP) no. 

I'm looking at what the left is doing in response to our support for President Trump. Does the left honest to God think that by attacking President Trump... And by attacking us... That we are going to have a "change of heart" and to do what these attacking leftists want us to do?

How frequently have you abandoned what you desired to do, something you had the right to do? Because somebody attacked you and insulted you for doing it? In many instances, you more than likely stood your ground with what you decided to do.

Tonya Zylka:  the most unethical, 

No proof, on your part, nor that on other leftists' part, "proving" that the president is "unethical". Let's take a look at the impeachment fiasco. President Trump was falsely accused of withholding funds from Ukraine pending an investigation into the Bidens.

A reading of the call transcripts showed that this was not the case. However, the same people that wanted to impeach President Trump had no issues with a Biden getting paid by a Ukrainian company. Additionally, the same people had no issues with Joe Biden doing what President Trump was falsely accused of doing... threatening the withholding of funds if Ukraine's lead prosecutor is not removed from a case that could result in the son's indictment.

Joe Biden did exactly what President Trump was accused of doing. Yet, the Democrats wanted to impeach President Trump. On the other hand, the Democrats are in position to nominate him as their candidate for president.

Let that sink in. They wanted to remove President Trump based on a false accusation of doing exactly what Joe Biden did. Yet, they expect the American population to vote for Joe Biden as president. This is hypocrisy. That, to me, is unethical. 

Tonya Zylka: racist, 

How many racists, do you know of, would hire minorities? President Trump had minorities in his organization, and he had them in his administration. You have a growing number of minorities banding together to support President Trump. His support, percentage-wise, is going up among the different minority groups over what previous Republicans had.

Worst racist ever! 

However, there were claims of him being a discriminator. I looked at the investigative right up on that incident. It turned out that President Trump was not what they claimed he was. Racism or discrimination did not even show up directly, or indirectly, writers' opinions. Of course, those referencing this incident ignore the fact that President Trump was not in charge. His father was. Simply put, no evidence that President Trump is a racist. Neither was his father nor anybody else working in the organization.

Worst racist ever! 

Tonya Zylka: lying fool 

As with the claims that President Trump is "unethical", or "racist", claims that President Trump is a "liar" are also false. The people trying to claim him of being a liar cherry-pick his statements. However, when you go to his statements and look at them in context, it becomes plainly obvious that President Trump was not lying.

Tonya Zylka: must either be blind to it or a racist themself. 

This statement erroneously assumes that you hold the correct outlook on this. You don't. What you're doing here is attacking the people who support him for refusing to abandon that support.

You are advancing inductive fallacy. You erroneously assume that your opinion of his being "racist" is "fact". You further assume that those who do not agree with you in this matter are also "racist" or "blind".

Tonya Zylka: I am a person who will not tolerate racism anymore. 

So, you tolerated racism before this point?

I never tolerated it. Had I seen valid evidence of President Trump being a racist, I would not be supporting him. The caveat? Valid evidence means fact. I've done my best, based on specific charges of racism on this thread, to do an Internet search to see exactly what they were arguing... Knowing full well what I would find. 

Not once have I come across valid information supporting the assumption that President Trump is racist. None.

Tonya Zylka: I will speak up from now on! My right...

This is what I said before embarking on nearly 17 years of debating with the left online. I was determined to fight back against the left's attempt to gaslight people. Yes, you have the right to speak up about your opinions on things. Nobody was saying otherwise.

From experience... Speaking up about your position on things is going to put you in a position to engage in debates. People will reply to you speaking up. This activity is a double edge sword. Expressing your views in public, in a forum, risks your views blowing up into a full-blown debate. 

Tonya Zylka: you don't like it keep scrolling.

You don't like what I'm saying, yet you don't keep scrolling over what I said. Why should the person that you're speaking to do the same with you? If you could reply to me, based on your disagreement, why can't others reply to you based on their disagreement with you?

You have a right to speak up about your opinions. Others have a right to speak up about theirs. Even if their opinion disagrees with yours. 

Just look at the responses to my argument. Obviously, they don't like what I argue. Do they keep scrolling? Nope. They respond, and you liked the response. This indicates that similar courtesies should be extended to those who respond to you as expect for your side of the argument.

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