Glenn Beck: In the end, the result will be the same. Another group of radicals will pop up again. It is like a never-ending game of whack amole over there. The only way to prevent Baghdad from being overrun eventually is stay there and continue to fight this militarily in perpetuity. Are you willing to do that?
And that is how they know they will defeat the West, by fighting in perpetuity. They know that the West has a microwave mentality. The West wants solutions, and closure, "right now." They note that the West will buckle when it comes to things that drag out into infinity.
It's an Asiatic philosophy, the idea that you go on in infinity. The only way we can fight against that is by fighting this militarily, politically, economically, etc., in perpetuity. THAT's the only way that we are going to defeat these guys.
Outlasting the opposition when it comes to patience is one of the things they use to achieve victory. You're giving them the impact indicator that they want by suggesting that we just go home with our tails tucked between our legs.
So yes, I'll be willing to fight them indefinitely. That's a better option than seeing the holocaust happening here on US soil. Because, if we do pull out and disengage, we will be suffering the holocaust on US soil. It won't be a matter of "if," but a matter of "when."
It wouldn't stop there. Just look at the justice system in many of the Muslim countries.
Look at what people are being punished for, how they're being punished, and imagine that happening on US soil for centuries. Would you put future American generations' lives through this to end current loss of life?
This has been a process that has been going on since Islam started to spread in areas that were formally Christian. Again, their fight against the United States is nothing but a drop in the bucket. They'll keep fighting until they achieve their ultimate goal... Global Islamic law.
They will try to achieve that even if it means working over the next few centuries to do so. They've "only" been doing this since the beginning of the "dark ages."
So yes, even if another group of radicals come up, we'd still choose to fight them. To do otherwise would be like telling our police to lay down their weapons and to stand down their departments because "another group of criminals will pop up and break the law."
Just as the police will continue to chase and detain criminals, America's warriors should fight our mortal enemies indefinitely. The fate of our civilization, and our quality of life, hangs in the balance.
Glenn Beck: Don't even start with me on your oil an gas. Guess we should have thought about that earlier. Maybe if we use our own oil and gas, we wouldn't have to worry about this.
If this was about "oil and gas", we would have invaded Venezuela instead. The United States gets most of its oil from the Western Hemisphere. We get it mainly from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Venezuela.
This makes sense considering that it is more economically efficient to have our oil come to us via pipelines than by ships.
The Iraq war was not about oil. It never was. It was more about changing a philosophy via a structural, political, and economic change to the environment in the Middle East.
The Japanese used to see it as an honor to take out a lot of the enemy via suicide. Where are those Japanese now and what's there percentage of the population as compared to before?
Likewise, democracies will take time to develop. Keep in mind that we kept US troops in Germany, South Korea, and Japan decades after the respective wars were fought there. Why do anything different with Iraq and Afghanistan?
Once these democracies are in full force, and the free market is allowed to do its thing, the environment would produce people that would be more interested in earning money and prospering than in blowing themselves up.
While we are on the topic, if you want to have true energy independence, let the free market do its job. Get the US government out of its way. No invasion of another country needed.
Glenn Beck: Liberals, you were against it in the first place.
The liberals were wrong then, they're wrong now. They've been wrong throughout history.
Glenn Beck: How could you be in favor of more intervention now? How could you possibly be for that after everything you have said about how it's going to fall apart in the end was right? Everything I said that we could hold it together was wrong. We need to pull out and end the long nightmarish involvement in this mess. We need to do the same in Afghanistan, once and for all.
Easy, because the alternative to this "intervention" is a kind of intervention that we would see within our borders. Don't think that this is the kind of "intervention" that we would easily be able to deal with.
This "intervention" would act like a "cancer." Just look in the many areas of this country where progressives/liberals were able to set policies for decades. It's in these areas where we will see our first radical Islamic enclaves... What will later end up becoming "no go zones."
It's from these areas were most recruits for ISIS in America will come from. If not ISIS, some other radical terrorist group. This would just be the beginning. Take a look at Europe to see what's going to be our future when it comes to dealing with radical Islam.
The left/liberals said that everything was going to fall apart not because of any real knowledge or understanding of history or current events. They said that it would fall apart simply because they disagreed with the man that was pushing for it. They did so to repeat liberal mantra from liberal talking heads.
The conservatives also warned that the situation will fall apart too. It was predicated on the liberals getting what they wanted. What did the liberal/left want? They wanted us to be out of Iraq regardless of how ready the Iraqis were for us to pull out.
With no residual force remaining behind to preserve our victory, this fall was bound to happen. We conservatives consistently argued that "if" the liberals get their way, "then" things would fall apart and it would just be the beginning.
What we predicted ended up happening. The "if" in this case was the liberals getting their way with regards to the ultimate troop pullout of Iraq. The "then" that the conservatives predicted would happen in this situation is what's going on right now in Iraq.
When are we going to hear you say, with frustration, that we conservatives were right all along? Because that's what's really happening. The conservatives have consistently argued from the facts. They have consistently argued from the context of current events as well as history.
The situation in the Middle East right now resulted from the liberals getting their way. Here you are telling them that they were "right" all along. How about holding them accountable for demanding their way, in the form of a near-complete troop pullout of Iraq?
Whether you like it or not, this is a global war. This was called the "Global War and Terrorism." You keep forgetting in your rants that the enemy has a vote. You assumed that the enemies is going to stay over there and mind his own business.
The reality is that the enemy that the US-led coalition is fighting over there have a vision. That vision includes the United States and the rest of the free world under the flag of radical Islam.
The demands to pull out "right now" is essentially an abdication of our part. It's ceding to the enemy. That's just begging for a holocaust. A holocaust is happening in Iraq and Syria, this holocaust would come to America if it accepts your suggestion.
Glenn Beck statements from; Enough is enough: Bring them home, period., June 17, 2014.