Sunday, July 15, 2012

Of Course Retard Butt Munch Wasn't Surprised, she Knows who her Different Personalities Are

This F*tard Demand Studios Sucks zombie tries to have it both ways when addressing Vlad.

[quote]Never Surprised
May 25, 2012 at 7:45 am * Reply
I've read his comments over there for a while. He's too sane to be one of the usual nut cases, but he does have a thing for DSS. He was a serial DMS basher, but then also complained about the DMS bashers without naming DSS (in the beginning). So, that was kind of schizo. I don't think he's thebesig or Jeremy or any of the regular trolls here, but he was pretty self-important over there. But, like I said, too many of his posts over there were borderline sane for him to be one of the aforementioned looneys.[/quote]

Q: First of all, what is a Demand Media Studios Sucks zombie?

This is a former human that used to have a brain and was once capable of carrying out a debate. Today; however, said individual no longer has a brain. This retard can only parrot Demand Studios Sucks tripe and drivel. Facts are completely useless to him/her.

Of course there would be a difference. On one side, you have your different personalities, and those of us slamming you. On the other side, we have someone that doesn't slam you, and your personalities, on a continuous basis.

When it comes to the side that you have to deal with on a regular basis, you have your different personalities and you. You're a loony tard. By logical extension, any one of your personalities is also a loony tard. You know that you're not sane, hence your other personalities aren't sane.

So, you're quick to see someone, that's not one of your personalities, as being borderline sane.

Then you have what amounts to stress shields... your one brained celled activity's defense mechanisms against someone's telling you things you don't want to hear... comments from people that amounts to giving you a taste of your own medicine.

Your referring to them as "loonies," "trolls," and "nut cases," isn't something that accurately defines who your critics are. It's just you acting like a playground child who isn't getting her way with the argument or with anything else.

It's you not liking the fact that your bullying efforts resulted in blowback... with you getting your face stomped into the dirt.

Of course he's not your "thebesig" or "Jeremy" alternate identities. Even your disillusioned view of the world isn't strong enough to blind you from blatantly obvious facts... like the fact that other posts could be from people other than your other personalities.

You need to start being honest with your readers... whoever is left over from your heyday. The vast majority of the replies to the site owner's blog entries are yours... via your different personalities.

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