Saturday, May 05, 2012

You Retards' Butthurt Demands Fall on Deaf Ears... Quitting is NOT an Option

Let me make this as plain as I could make it. You people have a better chance of getting Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, King Roderick, Queen Elizabeth I, William Shakespeare, George Washington, Santa Clause, and your lucrative writing career, on a conference call with you on your phone... than you do of having me walk away from an ongoing exchange.

It's not happening.

Understand that if you're too stupid to restrain yourself and, too brain dead to "let it go," you're going to get return fire. I've said this on Demand Studios Sucks, I've said it on this blog, I'll say it again.

My replying to you tards is almost as guaranteed as death and taxes.

You people need to understand that you can't control my actions. You're not going to stop me from doing what I have every intention of doing... replying to you. You retards do; however, control your own actions. Here, let me put it in simple terms again.

Let "X" be your retarded butthurt whines about me.

Let "Y" be my counter rebuttal to you people.

If "X," then "Y." If not "X," then not "Y." It's THAT simple.

You can't have it both ways with me. You can't fire at me, then demand that I "move on" in that same post. If you fire at me, expect me to fire back at you. If you people have any ounce of intelligence in you, you won't give me an excuse to reply to you... you won't reply to me, acknowledge me, or say or do anything that indicates that you've read my blog entries.

Remember, if not X, then not Y. That's the only way I'll lift fire on you. I realize that I own every square inch of real estate in your heads, but my solution for you is doable.

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