Here's a profile, Q & A format, of the retards that prove that I own every square inch of real estate in their heads...
Q: First of all, what is a Demand Media Studios Sucks zombie?
This is a phony writer who writes for Demand Media Studios... or who used to write for DMS... who turns around, under the cloak of anonymity, to make butt hurt posts about Demand Media and other topics.
This is a former human that used to have a brain and was once capable of carrying out a debate. Today; however, said individual no longer has a brain. This retard can only parrot Demand Studios Sucks tripe and drivel. Facts are completely useless to him/her.
This is a retard that doesn't believe in personal responsibility and accountability. This loser chooses to blame some outside factor for his/her demise instead. These people get butthurt when you find a way to slam them after you get banned from Demand Studios Sucks. These zombies will project their own loser traits onto you as part of their reply to you.
Q: What kind of defenses do these Demand Media Studios Sucks zombies utilize when facts shock them into reality?
Typical responses to the facts include rebuttals consisting solely of insults but no substance; name-calling; comments such as; "this thread is stupid"; "that blog is ____ [fill in the blank]; accusing people of being Jeremy; thinking that Jeremy is "thebesig" or vice versa; Strawman arguments or comments; taking you out of context; and comments pulled from ones behind -- or out of thin air. Their other defenses include accusing you of being in denial, of being a phony, of arguing from assumptions, of being Kathy Kindred, and of being someone from Demand Media Studios.
These zombies display a severe emotional reaction to an analogy that forces them to question their flawed reasoning.
If you want to get an idea of what they'll tell you in advance, read their comments on Demand Media Studios Sucks. Read their butthurt reactions to those that criticize them; to those they accuse of being Demand Media Studios Zombies; and to those who call them out on a blog post. Touch up on some conspiracy theories while you are at it... they're very susceptible to "Kool-Aid" reasoning.
Q: Where do these Demand Studios Sucks zombies come from?
Most, if not all, DSS zombies begin as thinking human beings. But a false sense of self importance and worth; false sense of being a writer; false sense of being a mature adult; a false sense of being a professional; and a false sense of accomplishment; leads them to thinking that they were entitled to more than what they deserved. Once reality smacked them in the face, they decided to complain and whine about things... instead of doing something to solve the Demand Media Studios problem.
Other people, unfortunately, did a Castro "face dive" into hopes that Demand Media Studios offered something big for their future.
But once facts and logic are applied to their dishonest tomes... their propaganda quickly falls apart on the account of not being able to stand up to intellectual scrutiny. Real writers... on the other hand... are quick to see the facts and are very quick to connect the dots. They're not suckered into confusing emotions as facts.
SOME humans; however, cling tenaciously to their, "Demand Media Studios Owes Me," social welfare line of reasoning that their brain begins to literally decay in their skulls. They have the appearance of humans, but - upon closer inspection - their glassy eyed stupefied stare and pungent aroma quickly identifies them to be DSS zombies!
Q: Should I shoot them?
Heavens NO! It's against the law. The worst punishment you could give them is to let them continue being retards. It won't be long till their credibility commits suicide.
Q: Should I debate them?
NO! This is about one of the most dangerous things a human being can do when this type of zombie confronts them. They're IMMUNE to facts, rational thought, and logical reasoning. Debating them encourages them to repeat their DSS zombie vitriol and drivels... this may attract MORE DSS zombies. It's best to ignore them, or hurl insults at them.
Q: Do Demand Studios Sucks zombies KNOW they are zombies?
In most cases no, they still think they're rational human beings, and are usually completely devoid of a sense of humor. There are issues and areas that make perfect sense to them, though facts -- current and historical -- don't support what they think makes sense.
They believe that their drivel makes perfect sense to other people, even when common sense dictates otherwise. They see anyone that dares to use the facts to discredit their tripe as Jeremy, TheBesig, Kathy Kindred, an airplane crasher, or a Demand Media Studios employer/employee/writer.
A Demand Studios Sucks zombie, upon seeing this post, will display his/her lack of knowledge... that he/she is a DSS zombie... by trying to associate some of these zombie criteria on those who debate them... or on those who continue to write for DMS. This is consistent with their "boo hoo hoo DMS owes me work" mentality.
Q: Are all Demand Studios Sucks posters zombies?
No. Many have posted on that board, and decided to move on. Those that tried to stay and talk sense into these zombies got the ban hammer. Many quit being DSS zombies by moving on with their lives.
Some of them, who remain behind, are borderline zombies. WARNING: too many facts at once can overload borderline DSS zombies, and fling them into a full-blown brain melt down. Handle these people gently!
Making them realize... that the Demand Media Studios job van isn't coming around... will hurl them into becoming DSS zombies.
Q: Are there other ways to spot a Demand Studios Sucks zombie?
My word yes! People doing the following will often send any DSS zombie within earshot into a frothy frenzy of spewing utter nonsense:
* Updating their blogs with posts criticizing DSS zombie actions...
* Using their blogs to counter DSS zombie drivel...
* Criticize them on their forum or comments section...
* Countering their drivel on their forum or comments section
* Refusing to let their BS stand...
* Mention facts about themselves and their accomplishment that reminds these DSS zombies of the fact that they're failures in life...
And so on...
If you want to quickly spot some DSS zombies, simply talk about them. This'll attract them to you, so use this trick with care.
Q: Can Demand Studios Sucks zombies ever say anything intelligent? Can we communicate with them?
DSS zombies can say something intelligent that is NOT 100% retarded, but they usually follow that with name-calling or insults.
Q: But Writer Cubed, there are DSS zombie slammers that utilize name-calling and insults, does that make them DSS zombies as well? What if a DSS zombie slayer calls a DSS zombie a retard for example?
If this happens, there is a very good chance that the recipient of this label is actually a retard. This isn't an insult on the account that the DSS zombie slayer is calling it like it is. This is different from someone calling you a "ball licker" because they don't have a factual or logical reply... or because they simply don't like what you said.
Q: Do Demand Studios Sucks zombies have a sense of humor?
No. They usually mistake their sarcasm as "humor," when it actually qualifies as poor people skills.
Q: If someone doesn't have a sense of humor does that mean that they are a DSS zombie?
They either don't find you funny or they just simply lack a sense of humor. We'll have to use other criteria to determine if they're a DSS zombie or not.
Q: What should I do if I accidentally try to be rational with Demand Studios Sucks zombies?
Quickly realize your mistake, ignore them, and then walk away - OR hurl insults at them until they call you Jeremy, TheBesig, Kathy Kindred, ball licker, Richard Lally, a DMS clone, etc, and walk away.
Q: Hey Writer Cubed, what do you do when the troll (DSS zombie) just won't go away? For the one-woman-debate-team and others like her just keep posting garbage and trash every chance they get.
One common DSS zombie fighting tactic is to INSTANTLY reply to their post with a cut and paste from a site that has NOTHING to do with the original thread, let me give you an example:
Let's say that you get a thread title that reads as follows:
"Demand Media Studios Cares About us and Will Give us More Titles to Work With!"
Your initial reaction to this is to debunk it with facts... like how the DSS Zombie needs to find other writing clients. Stop... remember... this is NOT a human that we're dealing with here, but a Demand Studios Sucks zombie. Respond to the thread with cut/pastes from sites that have NOTHING to do with the original post... IE an article on alternative energy sources... a copy and paste of a sports event... or proper tire inflation pressure. Remember, Google is your friend!
Q: Dear Writer Cubed,
What should we do if a DSS zombie accidentally bites one of us? Their soulless, no writing career, anti-success, accuse others of their own traits, behavior isn't contagious, is it?
Please... I need answers quickly... I'm starting to feel like... like... like.... Die Demand Media Studios die and burn in hell with Kathy Kindred and TheBesig/Jeremy!
A: Bites don't cause Demand Studios Sucks zombie conversion. That's a self-inflicted condition. When a rational thinking human being clings tenaciously to anti DMS, Kathy Kindred, thebesig, etc, mantras in SPITE of facts and logic proving otherwise... Their brain suffers a massive meltdown and begins to rot in their skulls.
If you "feel" like you're becoming a Demand Studios Sucks zombie, turn off the computer and get a job. The feeling will soon pass.
Q: Hey Writer Cubed, what do I do when name-calling doesn't work?
If this DSS zombie is immune to name calling (a rare and extra annoying type of zombie) then simply say, "OH BE QUIET!" and walk away. Don't waste your time with these zombies. You'll get better reception arguing with the walls.
Q: What is the best way to recognize one of these zombies on the Internet?
Watch for the "you got under my nerves", "clever," irate, or other types of butt-hurt responses to this post.