Many of the retards that I debate with accuse me of "self aggrandizing," or of bragging.
The reality?
I don't go around telling people everything that I've accomplished in life. I rarely talk about my accomplishments unless some of them relate to an ongoing discussion. When it comes to debate, there's another purpose.
Many of the retards that I debate with tend to talk crap about me. They accuse me of having one or more of their own traits. My rebuttal, using my first hand experience, is me rebutting their unqualified statements about me. That's not "self aggrandizing," that's debate self defense.
These people haven't accomplished much in their lifetimes. Not surprising, since many of these dingbats have Demand Media Studios as their sole, or main, client. DMS is a fool's-paradise arrangement. A "writer" could simply get accepted, then write as many assignments as they could write.
They're spared from having to do the things a real freelance writer has to do... like marketing their services, networking, and expanding their client base. With Demand Media drying up as an income source, many of these dummies are left massaging bruised egos. They're like "business as usual" people on a ship that's sinking.
For many DSS posters, DMS is an easy option, down to riding the ship to the bottom.
It's also about "misery loving company." Heaven forbid that someone comes along who isn't a failure like many of them. Their egos can't handle that, so they go about trying to cut others down rather than trying to pick themselves up and move on. If this person happens to be someone that disagrees with them, the "insult" to them is even worse.
The following post is an example of what people do when they can't debate to save their lives. What do these people do when they're denied the only semblance of "control" in their lives? They say the worst things possible about the person that's destroying them.
The people that do this in real life share some common traits. They're usually losers who aren't proud of what they've accomplished so far. They'd rather try to cut the subject of their jealousy down. It's easier on their ego if they think that everybody is a failure like them. This misconception helps them shift the blame, for their demise, away from themselves and toward something else.
Watch me analyze one such retard in the following post. This person was getting it wrong about someone else. But, since his charge is similar to what has been thrown at me before, I'll address it as if he were addressing me.
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