[quote]Posted by Retard Poster "Your Thread Sucks"
I think DSS is one of the worst things the Internet has to offer, but the amount of virtual ink you spill responding to DSS on your own blog is really, really sad.
Sure, the people left here are scraping the bottom of the barrel, but what does it say about you when this ragtag bunch of idiots gets that far inside your head?[/quote]
I made the last post, prior to you commenting about them, on Tuesday, November 29, 2011. You posted your reply on December 14, 2011. I made my last post, on DSS, in mid October, 2011.
You say nothing about your post, or the oppositions' posts, made in response to me weeks, even months, after I got banned from DSS. Your argument/comment applies to the opposition, including you. The cold hard reality is that I got deep under your skin, and managed to get deep into your minds.
I did this in a way that has you guys still bitching about me long after I've commented.
The blog posts that you cry about closes a debate out. I didn't make any additional comments after those posts. I didn't make any additional posts on Demand Studios Sucks. Yet, we've got retards taking swipes at me long after the fact. I don't see you bitching about them letting me get that far inside their heads.
You're as bad as the woman that complains about the tomato being too soft... after she squeezes it too hard.
What's really sad is the energy that you people burn complaining about Demand Studios, blog trolls, and me. You're STILL belly aching about Demand Media Studio injustices... yet some still work for them.
You people should be using that energy expanding your client universe. You guys should work on expanding beyond content farms. But no, you'd rather bitch about your fool's-paradise (Demand Media Studios) instead of facing reality.
You guys are still lashing out, in response to losing your easy money, instead of coming to terms with reality. You people wouldn't be constantly posting on Demand Sucks if you guys had writing opportunities that kept you busy.
The fast food restaurants in your area are looking forward to receiving your job applications. You'll do society a favor by serving them their fast food orders... instead of you constantly serving up your BS on Demand Studios Sucks.
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