Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Low Self Esteemed Demand Studios Sucks Posters Found Me Here!

I woke up one morning and thought, "Boy that was one heck of a dream!" But, as I woke up more, I quickly realized that this wasn't a weird dream.

Posters from Demand Studios Sucks found my comments on this blog. I didn't promote my previous posts, or tell anybody there about those blog posts. They simply managed to find my blog posts here. They reacted in a typical spoiled brat fashion, running back to DSS to vent.

After my last batch of blog posts replying to comments on my thread, I went about my other activities. I still had power over them, judging by their reactions to my comments.

I'm not the first person that they did this to. Janos Gal, from "The Mighty Highway Home," wrote a blog entry about Demand Studios Sucks. The posters on DSS reacted the same way they reacted to me.

One responder, "Catfish Charlie," commented under the article. Catfish Charlie claimed that the majority of DSS posters had advanced degrees.

I laughed at that comment... I still laugh at that idea!

While reading the DSS forum and blog post responses, I found a few things lacking. Their line of reasoning was irrational. They lacked critical thinking, logical thinking, reasoning abilities, the ability to communicate free from emotional bias, etc.

People with university degrees generally don't act juvenile on message boards. You'll find rational thought, critical thinking, logical thinking, etc, in their comments.

The DSS posters' attitudes and demeanor toward me argued against the idea that the "majority" of them "held" advanced degrees. Posters with advanced degrees treat people differently.

It's also obvious that Catfish Charlie never attended a university, given his attitude about online degrees. More on that in the following post.

Finding abrasive statements in my work doesn't negate my university experience. I've spent far more time in a military environment than I have in a university environment. My "abrasiveness" is in response to others' abrasiveness toward me. Other than that, you'll find the university graduate traits in the thought process behind my posts.

These DSS posters are still holding a complaint convention.

It seems like these people are more interested in massaging their bruised egos than they are with moving forward. Many of those posters see themselves as if they were accomplished Roman conquerors, when the rest of us see a bunch of phonies and posers... people with little to no experience in the workforce.

It's blatantly obvious that many aren't serious about building a freelance career. These people need to find work, even if involves satisfying someone's hamburger order.

Poser Troll on Demand Studios Sucks Suckers DSS Posters Into Thinking That he's/she's Me!

There's a troll that's getting under the DSS posters' skins. This troll posted under different usernames, to include the username that I used on Demand Studios Sucks. What's really sad is that some of the DSS posters fell for his/her stunts, hook, like and sinker.

That "thebesig" poster wasn't me though.

The only posts I've made on that website were on the thread that I started on that one DSS forum. I've never posted on the other DSS forums, and I've never posted in reply to one of their blog posts. That troll used my DSS username, as well as a distortion of my comments, to get under the skin of many Demand Sucks posters.

That ploy worked.

The poster that posted there, under the blog entries, as "thebesig," is a gutless coward poser, not me. Not only is he/she a gutless coward, but he/she is also a useful idiot... for the site owner and for me.

Demand Media Studios is running out of titles for their writers. More writers are moving on to other things, leaving Demand Studios and Demand Studios Sucks to their sinking. Once the final titles run out, what then? Demand Studios Sucks is already showing signs that it's being affected by Demand Studio's title shortage.

The number of writers, that'll run to DSS from DMS, is finite.

This troll, arguing with itself and using other people's usernames, is fighting a futile battle... trying to keep conversations going on Demand Studios Sucks.

But, like I indicated earlier, when the final batch of writers get shown the door, DSS will no longer be relevant. It'll follow DMS into obscurity.

In a wicked twist of fate, Demand Studios could still be around after Demand Sucks goes defunct. That'd be funny if things turned out that way.

As you're about to see, if I have something to say about something discussed on DSS, I'll say it here. If you see a comment from someone claiming to be "thebesig" on DSS, after I got banned from there, you're looking at a poser.

The Demand Studios Suckers Who Slam Online Degrees Obviously Don't Have University Degrees

The canard that online degrees are "worthless" as learning tools is nothing but pure myth. I've experienced three main credible ways to get a degree.

My university experience began with Illinois Institute of technology (IIT), and University of Minnesota (UM). I sat in a classroom/auditorium with other students, and received lectures from graduate assistants/professors.

I joined the military toward the end of my sophomore year in college. I continued again in the mid 1990s. This was my second university experience. This experience is usually known as the adult education/non traditional college student route. I attended college courses, after duty hours, in a military classroom. The student to teacher ratio was much smaller. The professors provided the lectures. If they couldn't make a lecture, another professor came in to give the lecture.

A few years later, I had my third university experience, also with the military. This was through Trident University... an online university that caters to the military community. When I went through, Trident University was known as Touro University International.

Catfish Charlie swoons over the traditional classroom college... on a freelance writer's website. He downplays online degrees... on a freelance writer's website.

Had Catfish Charlie attended college, he'd never disparage online universities/degrees.

Graduate Assistants taught many classes at UM and IIT. Did the professors do any better? One professor read from three handouts that she gave us. That was it for class that day. Another professor showed the same training films that many of us already saw in high school.

When it came to the involvement required for the class, they were a joke compared to what I had in high school. My high school honors classes were more challenging, and engaging, than the classes I took at UM and IIT. This was the main reason that I left and joined the military.

I joined the military at the end of my sophomore year (1991), then started back up with Saint Leo University (then Saint Leo College), 5 years later. I learned far more in the military college class arrangement than I did at UM and IIT. I got my associates and bachelors with Saint Leo.

I matriculated with Trident University for my MBA during the last decade.

I learned far more from the web based set up than I did by actually being in a classroom. This arrangement was completely flexible. There were no arranged class times. Students received a set of academic research priorities, an academic forum for class discussions, and the end of the term as the research paperwork deadline.

This was perfect. Many military students missed class lectures due to military commitments. The web based formats eliminated the schedule conflict issue.

Unlike the classroom counterparts, where you learned theory from textbooks and lectures, Trident linked you to the latest knowledge in the field. This was a first for my civilian education. Instead of emphasizing theory, they emphasized hands on/practical knowledge.

I used Tuition Assistance, and GI Bill cap, to pay for the later two. The military will NOT award either for courses taken at non accredited universities.

If I were to rate difficulty/challenge levels, and return-on-knowledge investment, the online degrees definitely rule. I know that from experiencing the traditional, non traditional, and web/virtual college set up.

Many students attending traditional universities are getting "raped" when it comes to knowledge return-on-investment and what they pay. My experiences at IIT and UM verified the information that I read from the book, Prof Scam: Professors and the Demise of Higher Education.

Online degrees are a perfect "lead in" to online work.

Catfish Charlie, posting on a freelance writer platform, missed that important point. He/she was more interested in pulling things out of his/her hind end.

Our brick and mortar college setting is currently designed to feed brick and mortar business operations. Our high school system is set up to provide people "in batches" to the industrial world... which tends to produce things "in batches."

Online degrees aren't for everyone. You need to be the type of person that thrives while working independently and without supervision. You need discipline, and the ability to stay focused on your goals without someone penalizing you for failing to "keep at it."

If you're a freelance writer, those traits should be familiar to you.

A real freelance writer/work at home professional, intending to have a career working from his/her home office, doesn't denigrate online degrees. Online degrees are to a work-at-home professional what traditional universities are to a brick and mortar work operation.

Many Demand Studios Sucks "Writers" are Easily Fooled and Manipulated

This retard didn't realize that he/she was replying to a phony... who also was using other commonly known names. I'm not surprised that this phony easily fooled this person into thinking that he/she was replying to me. This turd fell for one of my spelling/word usage/grammar traps... after I talked about how I used these traps in a debate.

"Really. How much money did you spend to get all those bogus degrees?" -- Retard DSS poster 

First, they're actual degrees from accredited universities.

Second, the tax payers paid for my degrees via Tuition Assistance and some of my Montgomery GI Bill. Once you're entitled to receive them, getting them isn't a guarantee. One major requirement is that the student attends an accredited university. Another requirement is that the student works toward the next higher degree. Students must also maintain a certain level of GPA.

If you think that my degrees are "bogus," take that up with the Department of Defense so that you could get laughed at... again.

"Did not one of your logic courses tell you how to spell 'ad hominem'? Maybe you'll say 'ad homonym' was a pun. Nice try." -- Retard DSS poster 

Yes, that's a trap, and you fell for it.

Like I said earlier, desperate posters, in an online debate, will wage an unprovoked grammar war. They can't take on their opposition during the debate. So they'll aim for grammar errors just to have something to say in response.

These people don't have the integrity to know that they've been beat. They don't take the honorable course of action of bowing out of a fight they've lost. Arrogance blinds them to reality, and drives them to keep on fighting.

I end up using their arrogance against them.

I deliberately put the wrong words in, or screw things up grammar wise, once the debate reaches a certain stage. I do this knowing that desperate people like you will fall for it. You're like one of the starving kids that I've seen clawing against each other on their way to tossed candy or coins.

You've also proven the other posters wrong, about people "not" reading my posts.

You shouldn't be speaking about logic if you decide on taking illogical courses of action... like continuing a debate that you've lost before you even started.

Also, you should police your own writing before you sweat other people's writing. "Really," in the context that you used in your first sentence on your post, should be followed by a "!" or "?"

I could keep using the term that you're belly aching over if I wanted to. Generations of people doing that caused Latin to turn into Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian.

So what does this all boil down to?

Your massive fail, at scoring points, speaks volumes about your desperation.

"Your site reminds me of people who are proud of winning arguments with parents who are Alzheimer's patients. When you set the bar that low, you shouldn't tell people how proud you are to have jumped over it." -- Retard DSS poster 

First, I'm pointing out the fact that I've argued against people like you before. I've got you guys pegged. I have a good idea of your psychological makeup based on your comments, reactions, attitudes, and demeanor.

Second, most of the retards that debate with me might as well be Alzheimer's patients. In Demand Studios Sucks, they came looking for a fight. I gave them that fight, and am making them look stupid as a result. I'm proud of destroying their argument and credibility. They deserve that treatment for checking their brains at the door before interacting with me.

What you dismiss as "setting the bar low" is actually good strategy.

For example, if I'm in charge of carrying an ambush out... and I notice that the enemy outnumbers my element in people and firepower, I'd stay put and not attack. I'd let them pass. If I see a hostile element that I could easily overpower, I'd initiate the ambush once their lead vehicle/element reaches the trigger point.

This is a combat strategy that most nations engage in. Judging by your comment, I doubt that you've ever heard the advice, "Pick your fights," or "Chose your fights wisely!"

This strategy applied to online debating?

I don't engage in debate unless I know far more about the topic than the opposition. Every time the debate turns to circumstances surrounding me, I've got a delicious advantage. Every single retard that talked nonsense about me got it wrong.

That puts them at a severe disadvantage in that part of the debate.

When it comes to topics that don't involve facts about me, I debate subjects that I have an extensive knowledge in. This knowledge is based on either first person experience, or topics I've done extensive research in.

Arguing the same topics puts me in position to where I've argued with people that play from the same script.

Again, I've got people analyzed and categorized. I have a good idea of you guy's psychological profile. I could also tell how long someone would fight before they wizen up and take the right course of action.

The people that tend to debate with me are the same ones that are arrogant, full of themselves, and think they know better when they don't, etc. These people accuse me of thinking that I'm always right, yet ignore the fact that they talk and act as if they think that they're always right.

You're one of them. So, if you want to apply the "Alzheimer's patients," comment, you're also slamming yourself.

So yes, anybody that keeps debating with me is a dumbass retard. They deserve to be treated like retards. Playing the opposition like a violin is part of what makes this hobby very entertaining.

"Your claim to fame is winning online debates since 2003 . . . in anonymous forums," -- Retard DSS poster 

Wrong. What I've actually said:

"Like everybody else, you missed the concept behind my pointing out that I've debated online since 2003." -- thebesig (the real one)

However, someone, in their juvenile reactions to my persistence, changed that to "winning online debates since 2003." This tells me one of two things.

1. Someone, in their move to take me out of context, successfully got you to believe them...


2. You're Ladidah herself.

I advance the above, "Perpetual debate since 2003," statement when I see that someone isn't bright enough to cut his/her loses. That's me telling them that they're not going to accomplish what they hope to accomplish with the exchange. Smart people get it, and act accordingly. Retards keep plowing on.

After a person replies to me a third time, there's a very good chance that I'm in for a protracted debate. When they start pulling the same ANTIQUES as those before them, they confirm their specific psychological makeup.

That's when I provide the statement, "I've been debating/doing this" since 2003.

" with no idea of the limited sensibilities of the people you're up against." -- Retard DSS poster "No shit"

If they had limited sensibilities, they would've ignored me from the beginning. They would've stopped talking about me shortly after I got banned. But they didn't. They kept belly aching about my debating on the Demand Sucks thread, and they still took swipes at me, months after I could no longer post there.

I'm sorry, but your posting buddies' actions prove you wrong.

Again, based on my online debating experiences, those with limited sensibilities don't debate with me. They ignore me from the beginning.

"What have you contributed to this world in the last eight years?" -- A retard DSS poster

Care to go to Iraq and talk to the Iraqis that thanked me? Or to the New Yorkers that thanked me for my service when I went to New York? Perhaps you could direct that question at those that have hired me for my services, other than Demand Media Studios.

Your next point deserves a post on its own. You obviously can't recognize a "cause and effect" trend.

The "Mindless Division" on DSS Would Stop if People Quit Contributing to It

"More mindless division? We don't have enough of that?" -- A retarded DSS poster

Look, I didn't start this fight. Like I said:

"Other than my first post, the rest of my replies were reactive. They were dependent on what the opposition said." -- thebesig (the real one)

Meaning, my actions hinged on the opposition's actions. If the opposition didn't attack me, it wouldn't have gotten as far as it did on Demand Studios Sucks' forums. These blog posts wouldn't exist.

I treat these online debates like a combat operation. I'll keep on firing until the opposition is neutralized. I didn't start this fight, but I'll certainly finish it.

I'm not causing division. That division existed long before I entered the picture. I'm going to stand my ground in debate. I'm also going to defend myself against deliberate lies. I'm willing to cooperate with those willing to cooperate with me. At the same time, if they want a fight, I'll deliver.

So, whether that division continuous to exist or not depends on what you guys do.

A Retard Demand Studios Sucks Poster Urges a War Veteran to Commit Suicide...

Suicide among Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans is a serious issue. Suicide throughout the military ranks is also a serious issue. Both, the military leadership and the military's civilian support system, are drumming up efforts to reduce/eliminate it. Non veteran friends and family play an important "intervention" role to help eliminate this.

This person (if you could call him/her that), obviously has no respect for the troops.

I've got a "Hall of Shame," on an international website, that I'm looking to induct this person into.
"Get some help, 'Jerome' before you hurt somebody. However, if you wish to suck the end of a .45 while you massage the trigger, go right ahead. You know you've been thinking about it. Give in to temptation and let yourself go." -- Retard poster "Meh"

First, you don't know what my cognitive processes are. You're not qualified to make a guess as to what's going on in my mind or not. You don't have a leg to stand on when determining what I "know" or "don't know," what I intend to do, or what I don't intend to do.

Now to fact check the rest of your drivel.

Within a few weeks after my unit returned from Iraq, all Soldiers that deployed spoke with a psychiatrist. The verdict? I'm normal, don't have issues, and don't need any psychological/psychiatric evaluations.

So, who should we believe? Some retard that has never met me, that's not even a psychiatrist, or a certified psychiatrist that has met me and made a professional decision?

Again, you don't know what my cognitive processes are. You're just speaking out of your arse.

What I said earlier:

People who are used to others ceding the fight to them... will describe someone who'll keep fighting them... as someone with a psychiatric disorder. I've had PTSD, ADHD, ODD, etc., thrown at me by people who argued others to death.

They usually did this in a panicky, or frustrated, mode, when they couldn't get the last word with me.

"Literally." -- Retard poster "Meh"

Pull your head out of your arse. Literally. I hope your parents take your computer privileges away before you hurt yourself further. They certainly need to administer corporal punishment on you, as your attitude shows that you're an obvious "upbringing" failure.

A Demand Studios Sucks Poster Repeats Itself Like a Broken Record...

[quote]thebesig (a POSER, not the real "thebesig.")
December 13, 2011 at 3:11 pm * Reply
Enough with these antiques, it's time you losers started writing in Blue like a real man who's been winning online forum debates since 2003. In Blue.[/quote]

First, if your head were screwed on right, you would've advised them to quit wasting their time on Demand Studios Sucks. You'd tell them to either build on their writing careers, or to get a brick and mortar job. If they can't get a regular job, they could always go for an entry level job at McDonalds, Burger King, etc.

You need to lead the way, job applications in hand.

Second, you obviously missed the point behind my telling people how long I've been doing online debates. If you want them to argue like me, tell them to advance facts, logic and a reasoned argument.

I Wouldn't Be Surprised if This Demand Studios Sucks Poster Keeps Touching the "Red" Stove Burner Expecting to "not" Suffer Pain "This Time."

[quote]Posted by Retard Poster "Your Thread Sucks"
I think DSS is one of the worst things the Internet has to offer, but the amount of virtual ink you spill responding to DSS on your own blog is really, really sad.
Sure, the people left here are scraping the bottom of the barrel, but what does it say about you when this ragtag bunch of idiots gets that far inside your head?[/quote]


I made the last post, prior to you commenting about them, on Tuesday, November 29, 2011. You posted your reply on December 14, 2011. I made my last post, on DSS, in mid October, 2011.

You say nothing about your post, or the oppositions' posts, made in response to me weeks, even months, after I got banned from DSS. Your argument/comment applies to the opposition, including you. The cold hard reality is that I got deep under your skin, and managed to get deep into your minds.

I did this in a way that has you guys still bitching about me long after I've commented.

The blog posts that you cry about closes a debate out. I didn't make any additional comments after those posts. I didn't make any additional posts on Demand Studios Sucks. Yet, we've got retards taking swipes at me long after the fact. I don't see you bitching about them letting me get that far inside their heads.

You're as bad as the woman that complains about the tomato being too soft... after she squeezes it too hard.

What's really sad is the energy that you people burn complaining about Demand Studios, blog trolls, and me. You're STILL belly aching about Demand Media Studio injustices... yet some still work for them.

You people should be using that energy expanding your client universe. You guys should work on expanding beyond content farms. But no, you'd rather bitch about your fool's-paradise (Demand Media Studios) instead of facing reality.

You guys are still lashing out, in response to losing your easy money, instead of coming to terms with reality. You people wouldn't be constantly posting on Demand Sucks if you guys had writing opportunities that kept you busy.

The fast food restaurants in your area are looking forward to receiving your job applications. You'll do society a favor by serving them their fast food orders... instead of you constantly serving up your BS on Demand Studios Sucks.

A Demand Studios Sucks Troll Keeps Things Alive, by Manipulating People Into Replying to It

This retard poser proves that a person could live without a brain:

"Your weak argument proves that you belong with the DSS flunkies. I in no way, shape, or form spilled anything, including ink, virtual or otherwise. As for anything getting inside my head, read my posts. There is nothing inside my head save for cotton. You should improve your reading comprehension skills so that you can become a better writer such as myself. I wrote an award-winning blog post on how to cure a hangover." --Retard Poser 

I guess this person is too stupid to come up with an original username. Another possibility, this person is a gutless coward that can't post under his/her DMS or DSS identity.

Folks, these are the people that claim to be writers/editors. Some of these people claim that they're busy with writing projects... or that they're busy making thousands of dollars with one writing project.

Their constantly posting on Demand Studios Sucks, or their constantly complaining about Demand Media, makes those claims hard to believe. If they had that workload, and cash inflow, they wouldn't have reason to constantly complain about DMS... or other writers. These complaints are partly fueled by the money faucet slowing down to a trickle... with no more to come.

This troll needs to look for a job. If this troll has a job and is doing this on his employer's dime, I hope his employer discovers him in the act. McDonalds would be a better option for this troll. He wouldn't be able to post while trying to fill people's fast food orders.

A Village in Demand Media Studios is Missing its Idiot... I Found Him/Her

"Once again you display your ignorance by replying to things that were never said. I spent no money on any degrees, bogus or otherwise. The current temperature is 70 degrees, free of charge." -- Retard Poser (the troll, the phony)

You don't have a clue about what you're talking about.

Showing the Demand Studios Sucks Community How to Spot a Phony Veteran...

[quote]Phony Alert
If the people on this board had real minds (with IQs above 90) they'd be out making a living instead of hanging out here. I was a writer for DMS until there was nothing left to write. Believe me, I'd much rather be back at the steel mill or moonlighting as a security guard if I hadn't had both legs blown off by a roadside mine in Afghanistan. So count your blessings, guys, and put all your pisitive energy to work. Thanks.[/quote]

The term that we use is IED/IEDs, for Improvised Explosive Device. We also had to watch out for Vehicle Borne IEDs, or VBIEDs... or "V -bid" as we'd use in my unit. If you were truly in Afghanistan, you would've claimed that you lost your legs to an IED attack.

"Roadside mine" sounds like something you'd get from reading the newspaper.

Notice how I used my first hand military experience to expose this clown as a poser. THAT'S how you do it.

The Demand Studios Sucks posters went about it fueled by emotion. They didn't want to believe my factual claims simply because they didn't agree with me. Deep down inside, they didn't like the fact that I've accomplished things in life, unlike most of them.

This is another reason to why they should apply for a job. They'll feel better about themselves knowing that they're helping an organization move forward with its goals. It doesn't matter if this organization is a fast food restaurant, or a factory. It'd be a better option than what they're doing now.

What if they're employed and they're doing this?

If they're posting from their place of employment, they obviously lack initiative. They need to ask their supervisors for some business related tasks. They could also apply for a job at place that'll make more productive use of their time.

A fast food restaurant would be a good place for them to start. They'd be doing society a favor by serving up customer orders rather than serving up BS on DSS.

I Called Page1News Out, She Responds by Pulling Turds out of her Arse...

"What a fucking liar this guy is. Compare/contrast what I ACTUALLY posted and his spin on the truth. There is nothing more I hate than liars." -- Page 1 News

If you took your time to read what I said, without the emotion, anger, and hair up your rear, you would've recognized your own writing. Instead of addressing everything that you said, I zeroed in on the areas where you pulled nonsense out of your hind quarters.

Here's how I obtained the post that you claimed I "lied" about:

I copy and pasted your entire post. I converted it to plain text, which caused it to lose its original color. What you said remained the same. I went though and deleted the parts of your statement that didn't directly address me.

If you look at what I addressed, within your whining post, you'd notice your own words. I'm going to show you that I preserved what you said.

I replied to your actual words, there's no lie involved.

"He's clearly an unhinged military dude with an M-16." -- Page 1 News

That's not the first time that someone accused me of being "unhinged." Of course, when someone accused me of being "unhinged," it was my persistence with my replying to them... or my refusal to let their BS stand.

On a side note, we use the M4 carbine. That's the weapon that most of us deployed with, that's the weapon that most of us train with. The civilian equivalent would be the AR-15. Once we're stateside, our carbines stay in the armory until we need it for training or marksmanship. We don't walk around, armed, stateside like we do while on the range, in the field, or downrange.

"Makes me think this whackadoodle is my intense IRL stalker. SCARY SHIT! Someone call Interpol, ASAP!" -- Page 1 News

A stalker will try to talk to you using different usernames. They'll act like they're different people. Go back and study the writing, as well as attitude/tone, on the posts from your stalker and me. If you put bias aside and reviewed the posts with common sense and logic, it'd be blatantly obvious that I'm not your stalker.

However, it appears that doing things professionally, and logically, are too much for you, so I'll save you the time. I don't know who your "IRL stalker" is. This is the first time I've heard of this stalker. Guaranteed, your stalker and I are two different people.

You need to have a psychiatrist review your paranoia.

[quote] Originally posted by Page 1 News
Many posters, like "Page 1 News," don't have the integrity to admit defeat, or to recognize their opposition's having the upper hand. So, instead of restricting themselves to the facts, they'd take things out of context. They'll expand calories addressing the straw man instead of ceding the fight. (WTF IS HE TALKING ABOUT? LOOKS LIKE HE TOOK MY ENTIRE POST OUT OF CONTEXT)
For many people, having the integrity to swallow one's pride, and recognize reality... to cede the fight, is simply too much.[/quote]

Let's simplify this. You jumped on the band wagon and talked crap about me... or made severely erroneous assumptions about me. Both these actions reflected in your post. For instance, your slamming my use of blue, talking about what a favorite color says about you, etc. You closed by giving me advice without knowing what my objectives were.

Your posting buddies may not be bright, but don't assume that everyone else is gullible. Your massive paragraphed post, with no paragraph break, was an attempt to shield your attack against me.

You were hoping that I'd treat that post like I did with your other posts. That didn't work. I pulled the parts of your posts attacking me, and supplied counter attacks.

[quote]Originally posted by Page 1 News
Page1News: Your shade and hue of blue is not pleasing to the eye. My shade and hue of red disappoints me because I prefer a deep, deep red. Red is my favorite color. If I could, I'd paint the world red, not just my town. Did you know that your choice of color says a lot about you? You should read up on it; it's interesting. (INDUCTIVE FALLACY: STRAW MAN) (WTF? AGAIN!)[/quote]

I explained why it's an inductive fallacy. You said that "Red" was your favorite color. The assumption? That blue was mine. That's the straw man part. Without knowing me, you insinuated that blue was my favorite color. You asked the question about what one's favorite color said about them. I explained to you that red, not blue, was my favorite color.

[quote]Originally posted by Page 1 News
Page1News: The poor girl started having horrible seizures; the same kind you get when you have to look at your awful shade and hue of blue. 
If people are having horrible seizures, they may need to back away from using drugs. There are other types of causes as well, but they're medically related. Examples include past brain injury, dementia, brain deteriorating illness and the like. It's not the blue color that's doing it. (HIS READING COMPREHENSION SUCKS ASS)[/quote]

Key word, "seizures." You mentioned it in your comment; I mentioned it in my reply.

Who had seizures? According to your statement, "the poor girl." How else does one "get" those seizures? According to your statement, you get it, "when you have to look at your awful shade and hue of blue."

A check on a credible website that talks about seizures points to other possible causes. The list includes drugs and medically related causes. This website made no mention of people getting "horrible seizures" like what they "get" when looking at blue text.

Nope, nothing wrong with my reading comprehension skills. But again, you seem to have problems recognizing what you wrote.

Exposing Page 1 News' "Baffle Them With BS" Maneuver...

This person attacks my reading comprehension, yet fails to recognize her own words. I've included the post that she insists that she said... as opposed to what she thinks I'm talking about. I've colored the portions of her re-quoted statement that I originally addressed.

[quote]Originally posted by Page1News:
MyACTUALpost wrote:
Fun, fun, fun! I haven't read a word of this thread; I just like playing with colors. I'm all about typography, design elements, element placement and whatnot. What we have here is a failure to visually communicate. Your shade and hue of blue is not pleasing to the eye. My shade and hue of red disappoints me because I prefer a deep, deep red. Red is my favorite color. If I could, I'd paint the world red, not just my town. Did you know that your choice of color says a lot about you? You should read up on it; it's interesting. Then, there's typography and point sizes. I like funky fonts, but, unfortunately, too many people get stuck in the arial and helvetica ruts. Did you know that the classic way to design is by creating an "S" shape on your page? This way, the reader's eyes flow throughout the entire page. Photo placements also are important. You should always make sure that whatever photo subject you have is not facing off the page. Sometimes, you can get by with off-page photos if you are creating an inside page, but it's still bad form. Your use of point sizes also is important. I bet you don't know how many points are in one pica. I still use a pica pole, color wheel and photo sizing wheel when I create some types of print materials. I'm old-school in a lot of ways. Hey, I even had a dog that I named Pica. She was a good dog. She lived 14 1/2 years, and then I had to put her down last winter. The poor girl started having horrible seizures; the same kind you get when you have to look at your awful shade and hue of blue. I also had a wonderful German Shepherd dog. His name was Midnight, but I had to put him down last winter, too. I think he was suffering from a broken heart because Pica was gone. I'm a dog person, so I couldn't last more than a week without a dog. Then I adopted a Caanan mix, and her name is Panda because she's black and white. I love her lots. She's a mama's girl. About DMS; I don't think there is anyone out on the Web that hates DMS more than I do. The best revenge is obtaining far better work for far better pay, doing what you love to do. Mr. Blue Man, it seems what you love to do is play on the Internet all the time, looking for forums to infiltrate. It's too bad that the owner of the Internet doesn't pay you for all that hard work. I gather you'd be rich, rich man. Anyhoo, back to fun, fun, fun. I so wish DSS's color palette included custom colors. Your blue is just hideous. Granted, my red is pretty lackluster, but at least it's bolder and makes more of a statement. It's all in the presentation, as illustrated by my Great Wall of Text. There are just too many words, and it's the reason I haven't and won't read anything on this thread. Too many words hurt my eyes, and I move on to something else. If you have something to say, just say it. Get to the point and be done with it.[/quote]

The remainder of the post that she complains about follows. Notice how the above underlined sections match what I actually addressed:

Page1News: About DMS; I don't think there is anyone out on the Web that hates DMS more than I do. 

There are posters on DSS that hate Demand Media Studios, but still write for them. They'll vent up a storm while taking the steady DMS paycheck. I guess the false sense of being a writer outweighs the costs of having to deal with DMS' cadre.

Page1News: The best revenge is obtaining far better work for far better pay, doing what you love to do. Mr. Blue Man, it seems what you love to do is play on the Internet all the time, looking for forums to infiltrate. It's too bad that the owner of the Internet doesn't pay you for all that hard work. I gather you'd be rich, rich man. (INDUCTIVE FALLACY: STRAW MAN)

It's a good thing that your marksmanship is nowhere near like your assumptions about me. If it were the same, someone wanting to commit suicide would simply stand behind you as you try to shoot the target in front of you.

Your assumptions are dead wrong on two main counts.

First, getting better paying writing assignments is precisely what I've done. Demand Media Studios was never my only client, and it never was my only paying client. DMS represented a trap. Because of the easy money, because of the titles that were available, it was easy to just write articles.

Many people wrote articles instead of prospecting for other clients. Why bother? They were getting a constant paycheck.

I never intended to spend the rest of my life writing for clients paying me for cheap content articles. It's also not a good idea to have just one client providing you with all your income. Many in Demand Studios made that mistake.

Part of the reason I was able to stop writing regularly for DMS, two years before they let me go, was because I had other income streams. Demand Studios was just a stepping stone, a client to add to my client list. I didn't let myself fall into the Demand Media trap.

Second, unless you could watch me 24/7, and record my actions, you don't have a leg to stand on trying to dictate what I do with my time. You're fully capable of noting the times that I posted on Demand Studios Sucks' message board. You're also fully capable of noting my posting frequency.

You're also fully capable of seeing the cause and effect going on in that thread.

These two variables would tell you that your assumptions are dead wrong. But whom am I trying to kid? The opposition doesn't seem to be big in the critical thinking department.

I don't have time to post on message boards all day long. I don't always post on message boards. I'm too busy following my own priorities of work. Non writing activities fall around that.

Page1News: Anyhoo, back to fun, fun, fun. I so wish DSS's color palette included custom colors. Your blue is just hideous. Granted, my red is pretty lackluster, but at least it's bolder and makes more of a statement. 

Based on what I've seen on other message boards, blue, or other colors close to it, are popular text colors. I'm not the only one that posts with a text color other than black. It's very rare that I'd find someone using red text color or a color close to it.

Your description of my text color reflects your emotions. It shows that you're blinded with bias and that you have absolutely no sense of logic. The sooner you realize that your opinion on me doesn't constitute fact or logic... the sooner you could move forward to becoming a critical thinking person.

Page1News: If you have something to say, just say it. Get to the point and be done with it.   

That's precisely what I'm doing.

You also have to remember that my post volume is related to what the opposition says. If someone says something... and I could ask questions that would've been answered if the person wrote a longer piece... then that someone wrote something the represents an epic fail.

Don't give me advice if you don't know my objectives. A doctor that pulls your stunt would get sued for malpractice.

Demand Studios Sucks' "Walk Away" Attempts to Suck Page's Arse and Make her Feel Better...

"Page, it wouldn't surprise me if this cocksucker is your stalker. And if he is, I hope he gets what is coming to him. He needs to shut the fuck up and take his meds. It's clear that the crazy is strong with this one." -- Retard Poster "Walk Away"

First, what are you basing your assumptions on? Emotion? I don't see how you could be basing that on facts, or any evidence that'll "connect" her stalker to me. I know for a fact that I'm not her stalker.

Second, it doesn't surprise me that you have your head shoved far up Page1News' arse. Pray that she doesn't snap your neck while making a hard turn around the corner. Anybody, with at least half a brain, that saw my blog posts would notice that I addressed comments that I couldn't reply to on the forums.

Let me go real slow for you so that you could hopefully understand what I'm saying.

After I got banned from Demand Studios Sucks forums, I could no longer post on my DSS thread. I responded by addressing those that attacked me, afterwards, on my blog. This means that I replied to more than one person, not just Page1News.

If she weren't interested in lying to you guys, she would've told you guys that I replied to other people as well, not just to her. That's not "stalking" by any stretch of the imagination.

It's also clear that you lack the ability to be observant, and to connect the dots based on what you see. Since you're too stupid to see this, let me break this down for you.

Let "X" be the dumbass retards responses to me.
Let "Y" by my reply dismantling their dumbass replies.

If "X," then "Y." if not "X," then not "Y."

If you remove the cause, "X," you'll remove the effect, "Y." If someone spreads propaganda about me, I'll provide a fact check. If that person shuts up, I won't have an excuse to say something in response.

If you still don't get this, hire a retard interpreter. Have him break this down into retard terms so that you could hopefully understand what I'm getting across.

I wouldn't be surprised if the freak show cadre came out, collected you, and apologized for letting their specimen out of its cage.

Demand Studio Sucks' Queenoffckall has her Head Shoved so far up her Arse, she Needs a Glass Belly Button to See...

"Page, he's a crazy motherfucker. Just let it go. Yelling about it does fuck all. Just enjoy the fact that you got to someone so bad they had to dedicate a fucking website to what basically amounts to, 'My mom says I'm cool!'" -- queenoffckall

That's why you're on that thread, months after I got banned from it, still cussing and swearing about my actions, right? I must've gotten to you so bad that you forgot the fact that I got banned from making posts on Demand Studios Sucks. Consequently, I had to continue the discussion on one of my blogs.

If you were capable of reading beyond a 5th grade reading level, you'd notice that I replied to other posters on that thread, not just Page1News. You'd also notice that what I said depended on what was said against me. She gave her opinion, and I countered that with the fact that many others didn't share her opinion.

That's not an attempt to say, "My mom says I'm cool." That's me making a point proving her point wrong.

Again, I completed the argument on my blog, as I couldn't post on DSS' forums. Simple "cause and effect."

This has nothing to do with people "getting to me," and everything to do with debunking you people's anti "thebesig" propaganda.

If you pulled your head out of your rear end, and removed your horse-blinders, you'd see that.