Thursday, November 15, 2012

DMS is Getting a Better Idea of who the Writers are on DSS.

Expect Demand Studios' CEs to "Have it in" for them... 
Demand Studios Sucks Zombies are figuring out who's who, among the DMS CE team. They're doing this based on the different Demand Studios CE writing persona. They may be right on, close, or they could be wrong. But, let's assume for the sake of argument that these DSS zombies have figured out which CE wrote which re-write comment.

If that's the case, then the Demand Media Studios editorial team would know who's who among the DSS zombies. It works both ways. Unfortunately for these writers, DMS knows them by name and have access to their profile. All they'd have to do is compare writing styles on DSS to writing styles on DMS.

Content Editors have enough information, from the writer's DMS profile as well as the writer's DSS writing, to use as a "Rosetta Stone," to figure out who's who among the DSS Zombies.

Enter the "double agents." These would be DSS Zombies, working for Demand Media, pretending that they don't like DMS. In one of their "butt-hurt" rants, they'd post a link to the DMS Zombie forums to show the rest of the DSS zombies how messed up the DMS zombies are.

It goes something like this...

"Hey guys, follow this link to hear the noise the DMS sheep make!" Of course, the DSS zombies click that link, then view the nonsense taking place on Demand Studios. They come back and add to the original thread with their own observations of the Demand Studios zombies. They don't realize, though, that they've given Demand Studios' "hackers" enough information to zero in on them... and connect their DMS zombie identity to their DSS zombie identity.

From there, it's the crap list. The Demand Studios editors enter a negative note in the DSS Zombie's DMS profile. The profile is available when the CE claims their article for editing. The DSS zombie can't see this note, but DMS editors can. From there, it's a matter of one CE drumming up an excuse to hammer the targeted writer. This includes a series of actions that'd reduce that writer's chances of continuing to write for Demand Studios.

This is easier said than done. The folks at Demand Media Studios would have a harder time to put this concept to work when it comes to taking action. Result? The targeted Demand Studios Sucks zombie continues to write on borrowed time until DMS whacks their writing permissions.

The more a Demand Studios Sucks zombie posts on Demand Studios Sucks, in response to the blog entries or on the threads, the higher their risk of ending up on the CE crap list. This leads to an increased chance that they won't be able to continue to write for Demand Media Studios.

On a bright note, a Demand Studios writer rating doesn't mean anything in the real writing world.

Braindead DSS Zombie Makes Stupid Comments Before the Anniversary of the Terrorist Attacks

[quote] lame azz commenter guy as "Jeremy Briggs"
September 4, 2012 at 7:02 am * Reply
I need a spanking. I'll put my gag ball in my mouth and everyone can go to town on me.
Then we will go flying! At least for a few minutes. I haven't yet worked out that landing thing.[/quote]

So let's get this straight. A week before the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, you comment about flying despite "not having the landing down." If that was supposed to be a joke, shame on you. Not only did it lack in humor, it lacked in social grace. It showed insensitivity to anybody in the free world.

At least you recognize that you need a spanking. It's unfortunate that you can't come up with the courage to leave the basement, go upstairs, and convince your mother to put a gag ball in your mouth before laying you over her lap. I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted your mom to spank your bare bottom with her bare palms. That'll turn you on, wouldn't it?

...all this time your mother thought that you were hopeless and non-correctable, you were enjoying every minute of her whipping you.

Zombie Turd Skips his Psychotropic Medications Again...

[quote]Lame azz commenter guy as "Oh, poor Jeremy"
October 7, 2012 at 5:25 am * Reply
Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.
Still projecting your neuroses, Briggs? You sad little besig. Gone off your meds again.
Poorly-rated. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 11[/quote]

It appears that the staff at your group home is undermanned, or is caught up with the other residents, as they're unable to keep you away from the computers. You need to quit cheeking your meds, then spitting them into the toilet when the staff departs your room. There's a reason to why your doctor prescribed psychotropic medications for you. Your posting as different names, and arguing against yourself, is proof that you've been pulling fast ones during your medication passes.

The sooner you take your meds, on your medication schedules, the sooner the DSS zombies could have some "stability" on their blog posts sections... in the form of your absence.

I hope that the staff takes your color coded map of the facility away. This way, you stay lost. The more time you spend wondering aimlessly around the facility, the less time you'll spend interrupting the DSS Zombies on Demand Studios Sucks.

I'm too Good for Textbroker, so I'll Write for Free Instead!

[quote]Troll pretending to be someone that regularly posts on Demand Studios Sucks
October 7, 2012 at 11:22 am * Reply
Idiot. I'm a 5. But I know better than to write for Textbroker anymore.
Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 9 Thumb down 10[/quote]

Yup, this person is too good to write for Textbroker, but not too good to provide free content to Demand Studios Sucks. The difference in income might be small, but chump change is still better than zero dollars and zero cents.

I Control Every Cubic Inch of DSS Zombie Head, Even When They're Out of Sight, Out of Mind...

Brain Dead DSS Zombie: Oh, poor Jeremy
Nope, not poor. I'm just having a blast destroying you people, then going away for weeks... knowing full well that you're going to prove to me that I occupy a large spot in your heads... then I come back to destroy you people again.

I'm going to keep hammering you turds even while I'm on my deathbed.
Brain Dead DSS Zombie post time:  October 13, 2012 at 5:52 am * Reply
That's the time you crapped your comment out. While you were doing that, I was overseas at my vacation home. I didn't even think about you, your fellow zombies, or Demand Studios Sucks while I was there.

I know that the losers that hate me would go "mad" once they see this... I just love to remind them of their station in life... a station they wouldn't be in had they exercised better judgment in life.
Brain Dead DSS Zombie: Pvt. Briggs 
I was never an E-1. I came in as an E-3 due to having college credits prior to joining. I don't know of any private that has been in the military as long as I have. You fail as a troll for not even trying better with this part of your comment.
Brain Dead DSS Zombie: -- you are a funny boy. 
I'm glad that you find my stomping your head, as well as that of your fellow DSS zombies, into the ground as my being very funny. Also, you'd have to be as old as the Crypt Keeper to see me as a "boy." No... wait... judging by the crap that you posted, I wouldn't be surprised if you were the Crypt Keeper himself.
Brain Dead DSS Zombie: Seldomn have we enjoyed such laffs. 
Don't mistake the voices in your head as "we." That's just you and your other personalities. I take it you're skipping on your meds because that's how the "others come" and converse with you. Heaven forbid you take those meds and you find out that nobody likes to talk to you.
Brain Dead DSS Zombie: Yopu are certifiable, skippy-boy.
You don't know me Skippy, we've never met, and you're in no position to certify me in anything.
Brain Dead DSS Zombie: Whacking off into your own feces while watching your eyes go round-and-round in the mirror. Pure comedy. Besig.
If you weren't a couple of IQ points below being a retard, I would've attached symbolism to the words that you used here. Are you that lonely that you'll jump onto DSS and tell everybody what you do when your mother isn't around to keep you in her basement? It appears that even with her separating you from your brothers and sisters, to prevent you from arguing with them... you manage to argue with yourself... and to throw your other personalities under the bus in front of an audience that's following you out of morbid curiosity.

Pssst! Newsflash dummy! The person looking in the mirror is you. The sooner you take your psychotropic medications, the sooner you'll realize that.
Brain Dead DSS Zombie: You spend mor time on this site than the owners. Dumbass.
I don't have time to constantly come to the Demand Studios Sucks site. Since I'm willing to keep hammering you turds indefinitely, I check the DSS site out once in a while, copy and paste the idiotic posts you turds make, generate my replies, then come to this blog to post them. The time duration, from reading, copying, then posting could take weeks. It doesn't take long to generate these replies either, and they do sit for those weeks until I finally post them.

I posted my previous series of replies back in August. What happened since then?

While I'm making money, doing constructive things, and going places, you're on DSS, your face plastered to your computer screen, drooling as your fingers rap away on your keyboard.

It's like what I said before. I own every cubic inch of space in you idiots' empty brain dome. Even when I'm in another part of the world, involved with what I'm doing there and not thinking about you, you're on here posting as different personalities.

I have THAT much control over you turds.

I wouldn't be surprised that when you guys were born, your mothers took you back to the doctor that delivered you and asked, "Is this a JOKE?"

Logic Won't Work on a Zombie That's Skipping its Meds

[quote]Originally posted by Patrick
Before I post these blurbs that some kind enough DSS writers were helpful enough to send in, let me just address the lame ass commenter guy.
Look dude -you're a young man. You're smart enough to know how to change your IP address so you can keep commenting after we ban you. You have a promising career in the military.
You've got a lot of positive things going for you.
So, why in the hell do you spend your time, not only leaving comments on a blog that -- according to you, nobody cares about -- and, beyond that, but comments that you have to route through another IP?
You're REALLY going out of your way to leave a comment that might be up for an hour or two before Richard or I or Eve ban it.
Who's the REAL loser here?
Go outside. Run in the grass barefoot. Eat a peach. Kiss a girl/guy -- whatever floats your boat.
In short, have a life.[/quote]

This appeal would work with a person that's capable of intelligent thought and discourse. But, you see, you're not dealing with one of those kinds of people. In fact, you're not dealing with a rational human being at all. You're dealing with a zombie that keeps skipping on its psychotropic meds.

I don't know if he's/she's smart enough to change his/her IP, but I do know that this turd is "smart" enough to slide his meds between his/her tongue and cheek, in a way that'll fool the staff into thinking that this person took the medication.

Maybe someone in the group home staff knows about "changing IPs." Perhaps if he cooperates and takes his psychotropic medications, this staff member would teach him how to "change IPs." Until then, this staff member probably enjoys convincing this turd that the former has magic, and could shift the later's current IP to something else.

Promising career in the military? I doubt it. The fact that he has to take his psychotropic medications is a disqualifier. This troll wouldn't even make it through MEPS. If he/she needs to be led by the thumbs on how to complete paperwork, to include explanations to words exceeding four letters, there's no way this turd would make it in the military... let alone, to the military.

He can't abide by your requests, what makes people think he'll follow orders at MEPS?

As for positive things about this turd? Well, his/her games, on the blog comments section, are a source of laughter. If he/she could convince plenty of people that he/she is me, or other people, then there are bigger retards running around... people who should be in group homes, away from the computer, and not in their mother's basements.

As for his going out of his way to post something that'll end up being taken down. Remember, this clown is on medications. That must be the meds pushing him to put plenty of effort on a post that's going to be deleted anyway. Maybe that's a good sign. Perhaps the group home staff is letting this turd on the computer to see if he has been taking his meds or not.

If this clown makes idiotic posts on Demand Studios Sucks, or anywhere else, they could easily guess that he's cheeking his meds.

I wouldn't tell him to go outside and play though. These folks have to be supervised. This guy just might run, face smack, onto oncoming traffic if he's sent outside without adult supervision.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Retard DSS Butt Munchers Denigrate a Veteran in the Month Containing the Purple Heart Predecessor's Creation Anniversary

That's after they denigrated a veteran in the month containing Independence Day...

I made my last batch of posts here on July 15, 2012. I got caught up with real life issues, both writing and military. Days passed before I checked back with Demand Studios Sucks.

One month, and one day, after I made my last series of posts, the loser buttmunch retard, still butthurt over my slamming her, was still making posts about me. That just shows how good I got this loser in the jugular. This proves that despite the fact that many DSS writers have moved on, I still own every cubic inch of space in this retard DSS zombie's head... as well as every cubic inch of space of that cymbal banging monkey in her head.

I've interacted with other professional writers. These are writers who write for the publishing industry, marketing industry, direct mail industry, and book writing industry. With book writing, I'm talking about those who've authored books via an agent, and whose books ended up selling in bookstores... books that got their own library of congress numbers... Not the vanity publishers.

Real writers don't spend days on end trashing other writers as people. Real freelance writers are too busy writing for clients, working to get clients, helping other writers, etc. They don't have the time to spare to post ignorant blog responses against another writer.

Lack of professionalism is one of the things you'd find in the content arena.

One reason for this is that in the content writing niche, it's easy to get a job. You don't necessarily have to call a client, talk about his/her needs, etc, to see if there's a fit between your skills and their market. You submit your application and, in most instances, you get accepted. ...Without talking to someone, without them seeing you, without them having a history of your interaction with others, etc.

Maturity and professionalism aren't always present in the content niche. Just look at Demand Media Studios versus Demand Studios Sucks. 

None of the professional writers that I've interacted with showed any of the immaturity that the retard DSS zombies, making butthurt posts concerning me, displayed.

Go to Demand Studios Sucks' forums, and blog response comments, and you'll see plenty of writers complain about how Demand Media Studios treats them. Yet, some of these people would forget how DMS treated them when it comes to dealing with others.

Some might say, "They got mistreated at Demand Media Studios, so they mistreat others." Because of my upbringing, and my military background, I don't buy that as a defense for recess playground behavior. I hold people accountable for their actions. If they're too stupid to give up a fight they've lost, I'll be more than willing to keep hammering them... no matter how long it takes.

Real writers don't act that way. Busy writers, engaged in one writing project after another, don't do what retard DSS zombies do. Real writers respect other writers as people. Professional writers respect other professional writers. It's that simple.

The fact that these losers keep taking swipes at me speaks volumes to a fact that bothers these retards: They're not real writers, and they know it. They're also losers in life, and they know it. Somehow, in their feeble minds, attacking others somehow makes the attacker look "big" and "important."

Adults see through their games and view them for what they are: Losers that can't hack it in the real world.

A DSS Zombie acts as a Useful Idiot for the Terrorists, she Demands that a Veteran Commits Suicide

The Army recently reported an increase in Soldier suicides. What does retard butt muncher do? She demands that a Soldier commits suicide. I guess with one less Soldier in the Army, that's one less person that deploys against the terrorists.

We know which side retard butt muncher is on. It's not on America's side, that's for sure. She'd cheer for the bad guy on the account that an enemy of her enemy is her friend.

It's like I said in the previous posts. You disrespect one veteran, you disrespect them all. If this retard butt muncher claims to support the troops, she needs to stop making false claims. She needs to admit to supporting the enemy instead:
[quote]Originally posted by retard butt muncher

Besig, you ignorant inbred fuck:

It is "Nobel Prize."

Goddamn, but you are a prime idiot. Go back to crashing airplanes, Jeremy. Do that thing with your military-issue pistol, skippy: jam it up your ass and massage that trigger.

You put the "fun" in dysfunctional, you psychotic fruit,[/quote]
Considering that your parents are brothers and sisters, you shouldn't be calling other people "inbred." Of course, you'd know what the Nobel Prize would be about, wouldn't you? Your mom/aunt thought that after she crapped you out, she'd be entitled to that award... for your unique birth.

Considering the amount of time that you spend munching arse, you shouldn't be telling people to "jam" any weapon up theirs... with your head in the way, you'd be the one that gets killed, not the person whose arse you're munching.

You need to quit neglecting your psychotropic drugs before accusing others of being "psychotic." Don't think that we're not onto your passive and acting "med cheeking." Let's hope your case manager doesn't find you out.

Demand Studios Sucks' Retard Butt Muncher Admits to Having Issues

[quote]Originally posted by retard butt muncher

Jeremy Briggs
July 28, 2012 at 11:57 am * Reply   

Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.

Stop picking on me! I am a published riter with gud skillz. And I like to play with myself while watching animal porn.

I cain;t help it if I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground or what a noble prize is. You mean, it ain't like an honorable or gand prize?

Looks like someone skipped out on her medicine.

You've skipped on enough of your meds that you actually think that you're someone else. It's a good thing that the staff has your picture, with your bio, on your med folder. Someone should recommend, to your case manager, to color code your schedule, and the hallways, so that you'll know where to be at throughout the day.

Last week, you were complaining about NAZI people being at the door, ready to detain you. Now, you're claiming to be a writer of material that has been published. You've also spilled the beans about what you masturbate to.

Hey retard butt muncher, the people that administer your medicine are running out of space, on the back of your MAR, due to your constant medication refusals. Now you're starting to confess to your actual practices. Hate to break this to you, but your right to privacy can't protect you here.

Of course you don't know your butthole from a hole in the ground. You can't even tell your head from mangled dog poo on the ground either.

Retard Butt Muncher Tries to Hide the Fact that She's a Lesbian

[quote]Originally posted by retard butt muncher

Jeremy Briggs (The Besig)
August 12, 2012 at 8:40 am * Reply   

I'll suck a plump cock for $3.50, maybe less. If I swallow too much, I have my special hangover cure to make me well again. Suck. Swallow. Repeat.

God, I love the Army. So many men. So little time.[/quote]
Here's what Retard Butt Muncher is actually saying:

"I'll let a woman drop a plump log into my mouth for $3.50, maybe less. If I swallow too much, I have my special abilities to spew crap all over Demand Studios Sucks to make me empty for more crap receipt again. Suck, swallow, spew, repeat.

"God I love the Domina Convention, so many women to serve, so little time!"

Fixed to reflect what critical thinking people see in Retard Butt Muncher's Posts.

Demand Studios Sucks' Retard Butt Muncher Admits to Drinking Enemas

[quote]Originally posted by Retard Butt Muncher

Jeremy Briggs
August 7, 2012 at 10:37 am * Reply   

Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.

You can also watch me use my enema hangover cures.

Works for me![/quote]
This explains why you're on Demand Studios Sucks spewing your crap wherever you can make a comment.

Doesn't surprise me that you'd rather take your Domina's enema instead of your meds. Heaven forbid that you take your meds, gain some form of sanity, and all of a sudden go silent on the Demand Studios Sucks blog comment section... or in their forums.

Jennifer has Poor Memory, or she's Outright Stupid...

[quote]Originally posted by Jennifer

XXXXX Thebesig Writer-Cubed
August 16, 2012 at 5:46 pm * Reply   

Hey! I resemble that remark! Don't spoil my fun by publishing the first part of my IP address.[/quote]
In reference to this statement:

"Especially that guy coming from 85.138.*.* Seriously -- what kind of a loser spends their time masking their IP address so they can come into a site and leave comments about "cum slurping". Get a life, dude." -- "Patrick"

First, what I've consistently said throughout my blog posts:

The last post I made, on Demand Studios Sucks, was on my thread. That's the only thread that I participated in, that's the only location on DSS that I posted on.

After I got banned, I've posted all my DSS related replies and comments on this blog.

Second, I've got so many things going on, that Demand Studios Sucks related reading and posting, constantly get put on the back burner. Anybody, with at least half a brain, would know that given that fact, I wouldn't have time to find a way to masque my IP.

I guess certain DSS zombies can't figure out that I generate my posts one day, then post days or weeks later.

I also like the idea that I still occupy room in certain people's heads. Their comments are proof that I still have control over them... even when I'm busy doing something else.

Besides, I like the idea of firing a group of replies, disappearing, then coming back to find that people are still having butthurt reactions to what I said... these brain dead DSS zombies are still making butt hurt posts in response to me a month after I've made my last series of posts.

This brings me back to another thing that I've repeated throughout this blog... I'll keep firing at the opposition for as long as they keep firing at me... and I'll do it regardless of how long I have to wait before I could get around to posting my replies.

Third, all those "cum slurping" posts reek "female." It'd be natural for a disgruntled female to be talking about slurping that stuff. But the female that wrote that, Retard Butt Muncher, isn't into males. She's just making those kinds of comments to hide her true nature... she's a submissive for dominant females.

Hopefully, the staff at the group home that she lives at catches on to the fact that she's cheeking her psychotropic medications. The sooner they get her off the computer, the sooner she quits damaging herself, and the sooner they could find a way to get her to take her medications again.

The Demand Studios Sucks Zombie's Real Hangover Cure...

[quote]Retard Butt Muncher

Jeremy Briggs (The Besig)
August 15, 2012 at 1:39 pm * Reply

Try my hangover cure! Fly airplanes into the ground! Yay![/quote]
Actually, Retard Butt Muncher, your hangover cure involves butt munching. The only "flying" that's involved is your face flying into the azz of the woman that you're about to butt munch.

Burned CE Wonders why he Constantly Gets Stung Every Time he Pokes the Bee Hive...

I guess for some people, being a phony professional, and a phony writer, isn't enough. They have to pretend to be psychiatrists too...

Hey Burned CE. The only people that could certify someone, as being "a nutjob," is a qualified psychiatrist that talks to the person that's about to be diagnosed/labeled. Every psychiatrist that has talked to me, before and after deployment, has deemed me as "normal" with no issues. I don't recall talking to you face to face.

Meaning, pull your head out of your arse, remove your horseblinders, and get a clue before you disengage your brains.
[quote]Postby BurnCEs » Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:34 am

[quote]Groundskeeper Willie wrote:

[quote]I've got hack threats, websites created about me, and a ton of shit that is hilarious[/quote]

I'm glad to hear thebesig's still on the war path.[/quote]

He won't let it lie. His writer cubed blog's still worth a look-see if you enjoy peering inside the head of a certifiable nutfuck.

Cluebat, Willie, good to hear from you guys again. [/quote]
I treat these exchanges the way I treat a combat operation... consecutive controlled pairs until the opposition falls... deliver a volume of fire until the opposition is neutralized.

Burned CEs whines that I won't "let it lie," but ignores the elephant in the room... the fact that those that take swipes at me, including him, refuse to let it lie.

I've consistently explained to these brain dead DSS zombie retards what they could do, on their end, to stop this. Let's face it. I take sadistic pleasure in destroying them in these exchanges. I'm not going to stop. I'm not going to quit. These dummies missed the point behind my saying that I've done this since 2003.

The point that they miss? That I'll keep hammering them until they "get smart" and realize that I'll stop firing back at them if they stop firing at me. Again, "X" is their taking swipes at me, directly or indirectly. "Y" is my firing back. If "X," then "Y." If not "X," then not "Y." Take the "X" away, and you won't have the "Y."

This isn't rocket science. This is logic, this is common sense.

If they can't figure out how to use that simple cause and effect relationship, to get me to stop firing at them, then they're beyond stupid. They lose the "right" to complain that I refuse to "let it lie."

News for the retards that think that they could bully me into stopping... I will keep firing back at you until you quit firing at me... no matter how long we go back and forth. Want this to stop? Then you need to let it lie. You need to move on. If you can't do that, you lose the right to whine about my refusing to "let it lie."

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Jennifer, the Butt Munching One Woman Debate Team

Q: Are there other ways to spot a Demand Studios Sucks zombie?

My word yes! People doing the following will often send any DSS zombie within earshot into a frothy frenzy of spewing utter nonsense:

* Updating their blogs with posts criticizing DSS zombie actions...
* Using their blogs to counter DSS zombie drivel...
* Criticize them on their forum or comments section...
* Countering their drivel on their forum or comments section
* Refusing to let their BS stand...
* Mention facts about themselves and their accomplishment that reminds these DSS zombies of the fact that they're failures in life...
* And so on... 

If you want to quickly spot some DSS zombies, simply talk about them. This'll attract them to you, so use this trick with care.

Sure enough, not long after I updated this blog, a Demand Studios Sucks Zombie comes out, frothing at the mouth.

In almost 9 years of online debating, it never fails. Every time an arse clown refuses to cut his/her losses, said arse clown gives up clues about who she/he is psychologically. They always lose credibility and quickly become a stink bomb. They also become a liability to those that ally with them... also sharing their lack of credibility with those that remain allied to them.

The retards that refuse to accept defeat keep fighting a losing battle... losing credibility... losing allies... and, if they're posting under different personalities, losing the ability to keep different persona apart.

They start to reveal their main identity that drives their multiple identities.

These losers don't realize that it helps to try to come up with a different tone, attitude, and writing style when using different personalities. The more the same pattern shows up among different personalities, the harder it is to see those personalities as different people.

I noticed one common trend among the one or two retards that are still taking swipes at me... from behind multiple usernames... these "people" post as if they've got a toy monkey living in their empty heads, and that it's doing nothing but repeatedly banging cymbals together.

And get this. People are still having but hurt moments over my May 22, 2012 comments, that they were still mentioning me as late as July 10, 2012. Yes folks, I own every cubic inch of space in these dummies' heads... I control them even when I'm doing other things, Demand Studios Sucks being nowhere in my thoughts at the time these retards make their comments.

BurnCEs Tries to Denigrate a Veteran Less Than a Week Before Memorial Day

When you denigrate one veteran in the way that BurnedCEs does it here, you denigrate them all... past and present. Shame on BurnCEs for doing this in the month containing Armed Forces Week, Armed Forces Day, and Memorial Day.

If this retard has an "I support the troops" sticker or magnet on his/her vehicle, he/she should remove it. Things like that are supposed to match how a person truly feels.

May 24, 2012 at 9:31 am * Reply
Yes, it's the deranged Thebesig. He wasn't intelligent or eloquent enough to hold his own in the main forum, so lurked here trolling the ass off the comments page. Very amusing that he's now been banned from here, too.[/quote]


Q: Do Demand Studios Sucks zombies KNOW they are zombies?

In most cases no, they still think they're rational human beings, and are usually completely devoid of a sense of humor. There are issues and areas that make perfect sense to them, though facts -- current and historical -- don't support what they think makes sense.

They believe that their drivel makes perfect sense to other people, even when common sense dictates otherwise. They see anyone that dares to use the facts to discredit their tripe as Jeremy, TheBesig, Kathy Kindred, an airplane crasher, or a Demand Media Studios employer/employee/writer.

...I've got these retards pegged.


You need to put some thought into what you're going to say before you type it. Doing so would prevent you from typing as if a retarded ghost possesses you... or as if you've got a toy monkey for a brain, and it's doing nothing but banging cymbals together.

Don't mistake someone generating posts, above a 4th grader's level of understanding, as lacking intelligence or eloquence. Put the blame where it should be, on your stupidity and on your past academic failures.

I demonstrated enough intelligence, and eloquence, to cause you guys to do exactly what I wanted you guys to do. You could read the results in my "Demand Studios Sucks also Sucks" series.

I also held my own on the forums.

It was me against you forum bullies, and I destroyed you guys. You guys couldn't handle getting pulverized, despite your number advantage over me. I advanced an intelligent argument... the only thing your side of the argument could do was act like a bunch of children... then run to the administrators to beg them to ban me.

Second, what part of the comment, that if I have something to say about what's said on DSS I'll say it here, didn't you understand? Do I need to put that in kindergarten terms for you, or would I be wasting my time on the account that you wouldn't understand that either?

Is English your second or third language? I had to ask that, because anybody that could read at the 5th grade level understood what I said.

By the way, my IP wasn't banned... as I had the option to post on the comments. I didn't exercise it though, as I post my responses here.

Of Course Retard Butt Munch Wasn't Surprised, she Knows who her Different Personalities Are

This F*tard Demand Studios Sucks zombie tries to have it both ways when addressing Vlad.

[quote]Never Surprised
May 25, 2012 at 7:45 am * Reply
I've read his comments over there for a while. He's too sane to be one of the usual nut cases, but he does have a thing for DSS. He was a serial DMS basher, but then also complained about the DMS bashers without naming DSS (in the beginning). So, that was kind of schizo. I don't think he's thebesig or Jeremy or any of the regular trolls here, but he was pretty self-important over there. But, like I said, too many of his posts over there were borderline sane for him to be one of the aforementioned looneys.[/quote]

Q: First of all, what is a Demand Media Studios Sucks zombie?

This is a former human that used to have a brain and was once capable of carrying out a debate. Today; however, said individual no longer has a brain. This retard can only parrot Demand Studios Sucks tripe and drivel. Facts are completely useless to him/her.

Of course there would be a difference. On one side, you have your different personalities, and those of us slamming you. On the other side, we have someone that doesn't slam you, and your personalities, on a continuous basis.

When it comes to the side that you have to deal with on a regular basis, you have your different personalities and you. You're a loony tard. By logical extension, any one of your personalities is also a loony tard. You know that you're not sane, hence your other personalities aren't sane.

So, you're quick to see someone, that's not one of your personalities, as being borderline sane.

Then you have what amounts to stress shields... your one brained celled activity's defense mechanisms against someone's telling you things you don't want to hear... comments from people that amounts to giving you a taste of your own medicine.

Your referring to them as "loonies," "trolls," and "nut cases," isn't something that accurately defines who your critics are. It's just you acting like a playground child who isn't getting her way with the argument or with anything else.

It's you not liking the fact that your bullying efforts resulted in blowback... with you getting your face stomped into the dirt.

Of course he's not your "thebesig" or "Jeremy" alternate identities. Even your disillusioned view of the world isn't strong enough to blind you from blatantly obvious facts... like the fact that other posts could be from people other than your other personalities.

You need to start being honest with your readers... whoever is left over from your heyday. The vast majority of the replies to the site owner's blog entries are yours... via your different personalities.

Retard Butt Munch Shows That my DMS Zombie Post Caused her some Butthurt

[quote]Originally posted by Jennifer
May 25, 2012 at 7:54 am * Reply[/quote]

Q: Do Demand Studios Sucks zombies KNOW they are zombies?

A Demand Studios Sucks zombie, upon seeing this post, will display his/her lack of knowledge... that he/she is a DSS zombie... by trying to associate some of these zombie criteria on those who debate them... or on those who continue to write for DMS. This is consistent with their "boo hoo hoo DMS owes me work" mentality.

Retard Butt Muncher: It's the same whack-job. 

The only whack-job in this conversation is you... and your multiple personalities arguing with each other on Demand Studios Sucks.

Retard Butt Muncher: The rhetoric is virtually identical everywhere this fucko goes. 

You need to tell that toy monkey "brain" of yours to quit smacking its cymbals together, so that you could focus on reality. All my Demand-Studios-Sucks-related comments go on this blog. I don't post DSS related comments on other blogs; I don't post on the comments section of Demand Studios Sucks; I don't go looking for opportunities to slam you guys elsewhere.

I post my comments against you here.

You need to look at this from a reality standpoint, and not from that of someone with their head shoved so far up their arse, they need a glass belly button to see.

If more than one person creates a blog criticizing DMS, if more than one person starts threads criticizing you guys, then maybe... just maybe... multiple people, independent of each other, are seeing the same thing in you.

More than one former Demand Studios Sucks poster has made similar observations of your playground games.

Wake up and quit acting like you're being martyred. Accept the fact that more than one person is seeing the same thing when watching your kindergarten, antisocial games.

Retard Butt Muncher: His obsession with licking balls is one obvious giveaway.

Are you suffering from both, Penis and Ball envy that when I shove my foot up your arse, you claim that I'm "licking" balls? Vice what I'm actually doing... kicking your arse?

Retard Butt Muncher: He was kicked out of DMS for incompetent writing -- which really takes some doing. 

First, I was drummed out for not towing their line... for refusing to shut up and to march to their cadence... I did things like slam incompetent CE face into the dirt when said CE didn't have a clue about the article topic.

Like this one retard, for example, who wanted me to slide a nation-specific step into an international car shipment article... a law that was bound to change... an information piece that didn't need to be added... on an article I wrote based on first hand experience moving and tracking logistics across international boundaries...

I did this numerous times when I knew that the CE didn't have working knowledge on an article I generated based on my working knowledge.

I also didn't take it well when they shoved professionalism aside and treated me like an indentured servant. I set them straight in the process.

They definitely didn't appreciate my suggestion to remove the CE's veil of anonymity so that a re-write request came from someone a writer could identify and interact with. Heaven forbid that a CE would have to restrain himself/herself from acting like a retard... and to act like a human being and professional instead.

The straw that broke the camel's back with me? ...I started to make comments on their Ehow articles, exposing their factual inaccuracies.

Shortly after I made those comments, on their Ehow articles, I got my, "Your style of writing no longer serves our purposes good luck with your endeavors," note. This was after I failed to provide them with articles for two years.

Content Editors do compare notes on "problem writers" and, if they don't feel that a writer is doing a good job kissing their butt, they "cook the books" with regards to that writer. In other words, most of the CE community would have it in for a non butt kissing writer.

Their judgment of a writer's abilities, or value, for Demand Media Studios, is a farce.

It speaks volumes when my other clients, before, during and after my DMS stint, praise my work and value in contrast to what you farted out about my performance.

Unlike you retards, I tried to work with the Demand Media Studios staff while I still had writing permissions. As writers, you should always work your issues with your client. Going behind their backs, or on another forum, to complain about them, while continuing to receive their paycheck, goes against professional ethics.

You retards continued to bite the hand that fed you... you people tried to have it both ways.

Here's reality. The fact that someone wrote for Demand Media Studios won't prevent them from getting future clients. It hasn't held me back from gaining new clients. If potential clients get wind that you tend to badmouth clients while you still have a writing relationship with them, the decision to retain your services will be a harder one for them.

Second, who should we believe about my writing... your assumptions about my writing... or reputable companies that are still accomplishing their mission goals? There's a sharp contrast between your opinions about my writing and about me, and what respectable marketers, publishers, editors, and other clients have said about my writing and about me.

Retard Butt Muncher: He's been on a bender ever since, foaming at the mouth about anything and everything related to dms, critics of dms, critics of dms critics -- actually, 

Correction, I've gone on and accomplished what I intended to accomplish. I'm also accomplishing what I intend to keep doing. It's like I said before. These blog post responses to your drivel are highly dependent on what you say. Other than the very first post I made on Demand Studios Sucks, my DSS related posts are reactive. They depend on what you guys say.

Anybody with common sense would look at my blog posts, and know that I'm not on here constantly. That's a sharp contrast to what your other personalities and you are doing... constantly foaming at the mouth as a result of my stomping your head into your own filth.

Retard Butt Muncher: who the hell knows what's on his mind?

If you people would just remember that before puling things out of your arses about me, you people won't get your heads stomped into the ground as much.

Retard Butt Muncher: He's military. If his C.O. found out about him, they would put him in the psych ward double-quick.

Actually, if my CO found out that I was smashing you people's heads into your own filth, he'd also find out that I take sadistic pleasure in doing so. This means that troop moral with me is high. A happy Soldier is a productive Soldier. Commanding Officers and their First Sergeants are all about troop moral being high.

If you had any military experience, you'd know that my CO and 1SG wouldn't care about my stumping you nut-sacks heads into the ground.

Retard Butt Muncher: Mostly though, he's just an amusing idiot-troll.

There's more going on than your opinion about me being an "amusing idiot-troll." The fact that you're shifting to taking swipes at me, as your main blog comment participation, shows that I've gotten you good.

My posts struck you in the jugular. I highly doubt that I'm amusing you. I'm pissing you off real good. You're a control freak that can't handle it when someone refuses to be subdued to your controlling and bullying efforts.

My Current, Active nom de plum Isn't What Retard Butt Munch Claims it Is

May 25, 2012 at 4:35 am * Reply
It's that lunatic in Virginia Beach who occasionally calls itself Thebesig or its nom de plume, "Jerome."[/quote]

Wrong, "Jerome" isn't my nom de plume.

You need to pull your multiple personalities back... with the view of only having one personality control you... before you label other people as "lunatics."

You also need to pay attention more. "Jerome" doesn't show up anywhere among the active nom de plumes that I use when I write for clients. I could slam you in the face with the ones that I do use, but that'll give you something more to stalk me with.

Since you're too stupid to figure this out on your own, I'll spell it out for you. I've "divorced" this blog... and my profiles on other content related sites... from my professional writing activities.

Retard Butt Munch: It likes talking to itself. 

Sorry Jennifer, you need to start being original with your "come backs." You come across as a retard when you take a label used on you, then turn around and use it back. That's like a kid, responding to another kid that had just called her "doo doo head," by saying "no, you're the doo doo head!"

You should at least weave it into an applicable story, tale, argument or event narration.

On the "bright" side, that tells me that my comments were effective, and even you thought they were good.

You need to face reality. You like to talk to yourself via multiple personalities. That's the only form of validity you have. Demand Studios Sucks is your little fiefdom, where you could feel like someone "important." You're a loser in real life.

Retard Zombie: It can be fun to watch, occasionally, 

Quit trying to fool your personalities, your remaining readers, and yourself. You're not having fun with the fact that I'm slamming you. You're just hoping that I'd go silent about this exchange. Sorry, that's not happening until you stop giving me the incentive to keep slamming you.

Retard Zombie: the way you might rubberneck a bad traffic accident in which Thebesig and one of his fellow morons collide head-on.

The only rubber necking that's taking place is when people look at you and wonder if a retarded ghost has actually possessed you.

Could you imagine the reaction of the restaurant customers to a person sitting at a table by herself, who's having a lively argument... with her engaging from both ends of the argument? That's how many of the readers, that see your post, would also react. What's real tragic is that you don't see it... or the fact that you post as if a retarded ghost possesses you.

Retard Zombie: But, really, the little creature just likes to hear itself rant. 

Correction, I love to dismantle your drivel and tripe. I also love the "you hurt my feelings" reactions I get, to include yours, to my words' effectiveness in getting under you people's skin.

Retard Zombie: Imagine a hobgoblin jumping up and down or a particularly ill-tempered two-year-old pitching a fit and you've got the general idea. 

That's the impression anybody would get reading the posts from your different personalities on Demand Studios Sucks. DMS didn't do things your way, so you've done the equivalent of jumping up and down on your bed like a retard... yelling and screaming... demanding that DMS gives you all the ice cream and candies you dreamed about... just for the asking... or else you're going to make a scene...

Retard Zombie: This particular creature wants desperately to fit in, 

If I wanted to "fit in" with you retards, I wouldn't have gone into arse kicking mode. I would've also made DSS front page comments. I would've even attempted to create a second profile on DSS' forums, and acted like a doormat.

But I've done none of those things.

How, pray tell, is my smashing your different personalities' heads together, an attempt to fit in? If I wanted to "fit in" with you retards, my current approach isn't the approach that I'd want to engage in.

Retard Zombie: to be recognized and acknowledged, 

Don't mistake my smashing the facts about myself, onto the face of a bunch of liars, as my attempting to be "recognized and acknowledged." That's just my waging war on you retards' credibility... and proving you losers' opinions about me wrong.

Also, I don't need to put much effort in getting your different personalities, and you, to acknowledge me. Your butthurt posts that directly and indirectly take a swipe at me amounts to you acknowledging me.

As usual, your actions on Demand Studios Sucks prove your words wrong.

Retard Zombie: but the truth is 

How do you know when you're lying? It's most of the time your lips move, most the time you're typing, and most the time you're texting. Your mouth and hands spit out lies and deception like a machine gun firing its rounds.

Retard Zombie: the creature is just another demand media castoff. 

Like the vast majority of you guys? Your true feeling towards your remaining readers... who aren't your enemies and who aren't your other personalities... speaks volumes.

Retard Zombie: An embittered reject 

The only embitterment that anybody sees is what radiates from your posts... either as yourself or your other personalities. Your hissy-fit-temper-tantrums about Demand Media Studios and about me speak volumes toward your being embittered.

It takes an embittered drive to complain multiple times about people days after they say or do something.

Retard Zombie: clamoring for attention 

What part of "remove 'x' to remove 'y'" didn't you understand? If I were clamoring for your retarded attention, I'd be making unprovoked comments. Every comment I've posted has something to do with what you retards said about me. That's not me clamoring for attention, but my providing the "y" to your "x" in the "if 'x' then 'y'" expression.

The fact that you'd do something that'd draw a response from me... and from others... is proof that you're the little girl clamoring for attention.

Retard Zombie: and providing only entertainment, instead. 

Quit lying to your other personalities, your remaining readers, and yourself. My comments, and actions, don't entertain you. They inconvenience you. You want me to shut up and to go away. You think that your bullying actions, from within your little fiefdom, can get me to "run" and "disappear."

The reality is that you're irritated by your inability to get me to shut up. Others may "close their blogs" because of your action. Others will stop commenting about you in response to your bullying.

Not me. I intend to keep hammering you until one or both of us dies of old age. Get used to it.

Retard Zombie: I would not be surprised if he goes on a rampage one day in an impotent fit of rage 

Yup, accusing a veteran of having "psychological" problems, just days before Memorial Day.

I hate to break your bubble again, but I'm having a blast doing this. I'm having a blast causing you to have several butt-hurt moments on the DSS blog comments. I look at your posts, and laugh real hard at times. I love how I could have that much power on a person that I've never seen... days after I jump on here and rub your face in your own filth.

That's not the kind of activity that'd cause someone to "go on a rampage."

Retard Zombie: over being a laughingstock who is taken seriously by no one.

Really? If nobody took me seriously, nobody would be commenting about me... directly or indirectly. The fact that you've generated several temper tantrum posts about me, days after I posted here, speaks volumes of the fact that you take me seriously.

Retard Zombie: BurnCEs is spot on: 

BurnCEs is as "spot on" as the retard that shoots something behind her in her attempts to shoot something in front of her.

Retard Zombie Jennifer: TheBesig is insane.

Don't mistake someone's refusal to let up on you, or their refusal to let you walk all over them, as their being "insane."

Retard Zombie: I know you are reading, Jerome. 

Really? How do you think I'm getting the comments that I'm rebutting? No Sheet Jennifer, I'm reading your comments to do battle damage assessments on the effectiveness of my campaign against your personalities and you.

Then I ready the bombing campaign to complete the "y" part of our exchange cycles.

Retard Zombie: You just can't help youself. LOL.

I can't help myself if I take sadistic pleasure in getting you "guys" to react in a way that makes me laugh hard. Your reaction proves that I own every cubic inch in your noggin... as well as every cubic inch of the noggin of the toy monkey in your head that's doing nothing but banging its cymbals together.

Retard Zombie Jennifer: Blog away, you little nutjob.

That goes without saying you retard.

Disillusioned Jennifer Refuses to Believe That Others Don't Share her Hatred...

[quote]Yo, Burn.
May 25, 2012 at 5:40 pm * Reply
Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.
I've got $20 says the idiot besig is riding on his bicycle all over Virginia Beach, using free Wi-Fi at every McDonald's he can find just to click the "dislike" buttons on this page.[/quote]

Are you that disillusioned to think that the rest of the world agrees with your rants? Heck, are you that disillusioned to think that your rants are the "beacon of light" in the dark that everybody is drawn to like bugs?

Here's one possibility, multiple people are actually casting their votes in favor of one or the other side.

Here's another possibility, and it's based on your attitude pattern when accusing me of things...
You do the very things that you accuse me of doing. You tend to project your traits onto other people via your drivels.

I wouldn't be surprised if you've been going around to different wire free internet hot spots to provide both positive and negative votes to your rantings. Gotta throw in opposing votes to give the impression that you have many readers left.

You don't have a life, don't try to deny that. You need to spend that time on getting new clients, and on building your writing portfolio.

Adjusting Fire, Retard CE Protecting her Power Perch

I've never posted on the Demand Media Studios forums, don't see a need to do it now. Not all posts on Demand Studios Sucks give you the image of animals eating their young.

Occasionally, their posters would focus on something constructive and legitimate... Like this piece that Devil_youknow brought over from another forum:

[quote]Nannette C
As a CE I wouldn't mind being contacted on the rare occasions when the writer doesn't quite understand what I want -- anonymously, of course. For example, sometimes I tell a writer I'm including a link I think would be helpful, then I press "Finalize Review" and realize I forgot to paste it in. I have been contacted occasionally by the HD when someone requested a rewrite clarification on one of my edits. However, it would be imperitive that there be severe consequences for anyone using it to berate the CE, as happens sometimes when writers include comments as to why they won't comply with a rewrite request.[/quote]

Really? Anonymously? But it's OK for a CE to berate a writer from behind the veil of anonymity, right?

The best working relationship I've had with a client was when I knew the client's name and contact information. This has happened in all but one occasion--when I wrote for Demand Media Studios.

The veil of anonymity is poison to the writing community. Editors are humans. Like any human, they'll watch what they say if they know that the wrong words could get them into hot water... or ruin things. It's bad enough when you have a relationship when the writer doesn't know anything about who the CE is.

Thanks to anonymity, the CE is free to mistreat and disrespect the writer... and say things that encourage confrontation rather than cooperation. Chances are that Nannette C' scenario... where a CE gets berated... wouldn't happen as much if the writer and the editor knew who they were dealing with... where the writer could contact the CE directly, and where both sides could communicate about their intentions with the article.

I've lost count of how many times a CE gave me a suggestion that I knew was going to kill an article in a reader's eyes... and kill the credibility of anybody that posts the article with the CE's suggestions and demands. Being able to communicate with the CE... like I was with my other clients... would've allowed me to work with the CE better, and let the CE know why the way I had the article was the best course of action.

Editors are seeing things that the writer doesn't see, with regards to the organization, and its intentions. Writers know their topic and audience and bring value to the article. All parties could come together to hash out an article that factors in both side's concerns.

That convenience wasn't always there with Demand Media Studios, given the middle man and time constraints with a rewrite.

I say, "wouldn't happen as much," as even in the real writing world, where editors and writers know each other's names, rudeness and disrespect could fly around. But the chances of civil exchange, and a productive working relationship, are greater if both sides know who they're talking to... and have a number or email contact to have regular communications with.

I've had email exchanges with three Demand Studios Editors. They emailed me from their official emails, I knew who they were. These editors acted like complete human beings, treated me the way most editors, marketers, and publishers treated me, and got me to where I was more than willing to work with them.

BurnCEs Denigrates a Veteran a Day Before He Gets Tagged on Facebook--to a Picture of His Dad's Gravestone in a National Veteran Cemetery

My Dad died late last century. He was a Vietnam Veteran; he was a frogman who later became a SEAL. After surviving the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and severe PTSD, agent Orange finally caught up to him.

On Memorial Day, one of my younger brothers tagged my other brothers and me. He tagged us to a photo he took of our dad's headstone in a national veteran cemetery.

My younger brother, who's in his 20s, showed far more maturity than BurnCEs did the day before.

May 27, 2012... the day before Memorial Day. How does this douche nozzle spend that day? By denigrating a war veteran whose father died of Agent Orange related cancer:

May 27, 2012 at 7:40 am * Reply
Wouldn't surprise me at all. He's just such a Big Girl's Blouse.[/quote]

Of course your other personality's comment doesn't surprise you. But again, you need to quit being the inner arse end of a big girl's panty, before you call other people a big girl's blouse.

Jennifer Denigrates an Army Veteran in the Month Containing the Army's Birthday

I made my last series of posts here back in May 22, 2012. I hurt this retard's feelings so bad, she still took swipes at me two weeks and two days after I hurt her feelings. This is proof that this woman is outright stupid, and is living proof that a human being could live without a brain.


It's hard to own real estate in a smart person's head. But, we're not dealing with a smart person here. We're dealing with someone that doesn't have a brain. This person used to have a brain, but her one brain celled activity left to seek employment... as it felt neglected.

It's extremely easy to own real estate in a stupid person's head. The dumber the person, the longer you could own every cubic inch of space in their heads.

This dummy that I'm about to address doesn't realize that by attacking one veteran, she attacked them all. The more she denigrates the military, as she has done with her posts, the more she shoots herself in the foot.

[quote]Originally posted by retard butt munch
June 7, 2012 at 2:20 pm * Reply
Well, looky here. The little besig got himself a new IP. How many balls ya suck to get enough money to switch Internet providers, Jeremy? [/quote]

First, your readers aren't stupid. It's blatantly obvious that you're carrying out the majority of the conversation on Demand Studios Sucks. With traffic slowing down to your fiefdom, it's becoming more and more obvious who is behind the different personalities of the one-woman-debate-team.

The only person that you're fooling, with your psychotic multiple personality games, is you.

Real writers don't go around spending all their time denigrating other writers. They spend that time building their writing business. But again, you're not a real writer, aren't you? Your only use is to keep putting fresh new, and free, content on Demand Studios Sucks' blog section.

Second, I didn't get a new IP. I'm still using the same IP I've been using for years... the same one I used when I posted on Demand Studios Sucks. I've said this once, and I'll say it again... I'm going to make my DSS related comments here.

Third, you have to wake up to reality and realize that your fantasy and the real world aren't the same thing. I'm not the only one that stomps Demand Studios Sucks zombie faces into their own filth.

Wait, hold on a second, reality is calling... OK, your reality-check just arrived... You've made a lot of enemies, and I'm one of the numerous people that like to call you out on your BS.

Fourth, unlike you, I earn money. I don't need to trade sexual favors like you, who has to munch butt in order to feed your family. You don't need to worry about feeding yourself, of course, because you're a natural bottom feeder. The crap that you spew on DSS is evidence of that.

Fifth, by farting your opinion out of your arse, about how I earn my money, you denigrate the United States Military, the real professionals that utilize my writing, and other writers actually engaged in the writing profession. I realize that you hate and despise the United States Military... as evidenced by your anti military comments... but we earn our money by doing what we were trained to do.

Licking balls isn't a Soldiering skill, despite your misguided notion that it is. You need to quit assuming that the rest of the world is like you... and that because you earn a living as a human toilet paper, the rest of humanity earns their money similar to you.

Your disrespect for the military, and for the writing profession, doesn't stop there...

Retard Butt Munch: Stick that military-issue rifle up your fat ass and pull the trigger, 

Which is it ding dong? Am I "little"? Am I "fat"? The fact that you'd contradict yourself in the same post is proof that you don't know what you're talking about.

It's blatantly obvious that you're clueless about the military, and you're clueless about handling a weapon.

First, we're issued M4 carbines. Those carbines are kept at the armory. The only time we're going to be able to fire anything out of them, stateside, is when we're at a training range on a military base. The firing range is preserved for firing live rounds. Contrary to your misguided notion of how we do things, we don't walk around stateside, all the time, armed with government issued weapons.

Second, nobody could effectively carry out the method that you've told a war veteran to use to "commit suicide." The fact that you're still here is proof that you tried it and that it didn't work. Your recommending that method to me is proof that you're stupid and you lack common sense.

Third, shame on you for telling a veteran to commit suicide. When you denigrate one veteran this way, you denigrate them all. Doing this during a month that contained Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day, wasn't enough for you. You had to come out and demand that a veteran commit suicide... in the month containing the Army's birthday.

Shame on you.

It's a good thing that you're not physically doing in real life what you figuratively did on Demand Studios Sucks... shoot yourself in the foot. Your shooting yourself in the foot would only result in your blowing your brains out.

Retard Butt Muncher: monkey-boy.

You post as if you have a toy monkey in your head, and that it's doing nothing but banging cymbals together. Your posts reflect that, especially with your posting as if a retarded ghost possesses you.

Retard Buttmunch is still butt-hurting over comments I made over a month ago

[quote]Originally posted by retard buttmunch
Hi, Besig!
June 30, 2012 at 6:42 am * Reply
Take that service-issue pistol and jam it up your foul ass, you motherfucker.[/quote]

Go right ahead, prove to the rest of the world that I own every cubic inch inside your head... as well as every cubic inch of space in the head of that toy monkey inside your empty cranium banging its cymbals together.

I made my last series of posts on this blog back in May 22, 2012. Yet there you are, June 30, 2012, showing the world that I got under your skin so bad that you're still having butthurt moments.

Shame on you for denigrating veterans, past and present, with that comment... in the month containing the Army's birthday... days before the US celebrated Independence Day. You denigrate one veteran, you denigrate them all.

Demand Studio Sucks Zombie "Ding Dong" is too Stupid to Realize that I'm Still in the Army

July 9, 2012 at 1:29 pm * Reply
I used to be in the Army til they cunt punted me out for constantly getting a hard-on in the showers.[/quote]

Hey stupid, I'm still in the Army. You also don't have a clue about the Army, don't you? Even in Iraq/Afghanistan, you have single shower stalls, where you shower in privacy.

I know of a mentally challenged person that understands that I'm still in the Army. Apparently, that person is a lot smarter than you are. Get back into your mother's basement and leave the real world to people with brains.

Demand Studios Sucks Zombie "Triumph's" Pimp Works at Demand Media Studios

July 10, 2012 at 10:14 am * Reply
You kiss your pimp with that mouth?[/quote]

You should know; you retard Demand Studios Sucks zombies have the same pimp.

Demand Studios Sucks Zombie "You are Confused" Spew's Crap all Over DSS

[quote]You are confused.
July 10, 2012 at 11:06 am
The Besig does primarily ass-to-mouth, but is open to new ideas -- for the right price.[/quote]

Look, we realize that you work as a toilet bowl for your dominatrix... opening your mouth wide for those "tasty treats." You need to; however, keep what you consumed in your mouth instead of spewing it all over Demand Studios Sucks... or elsewhere.

Someone needs to take your computer away from you before your mistress finds out that you've gotten lose from your cage... then beats you senseless. But again, the fact that you've proven to be a glutton for punishment doesn't surprise me. This isn't the first time I've stomped your face into the ground. You WANT her to discover you... you LIVE to receive punishment!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Are you a Demand Media Studios Sucks Zombie?

Here's a profile, Q & A format, of the retards that prove that I own every square inch of real estate in their heads...

Q: First of all, what is a Demand Media Studios Sucks zombie? 

This is a phony writer who writes for Demand Media Studios... or who used to write for DMS... who turns around, under the cloak of anonymity, to make butt hurt posts about Demand Media and other topics.

This is a former human that used to have a brain and was once capable of carrying out a debate. Today; however, said individual no longer has a brain. This retard can only parrot Demand Studios Sucks tripe and drivel. Facts are completely useless to him/her.

This is a retard that doesn't believe in personal responsibility and accountability. This loser chooses to blame some outside factor for his/her demise instead. These people get butthurt when you find a way to slam them after you get banned from Demand Studios Sucks. These zombies will project their own loser traits onto you as part of their reply to you.

Q: What kind of defenses do these Demand Media Studios Sucks zombies utilize when facts shock them into reality? 

Typical responses to the facts include rebuttals consisting solely of insults but no substance; name-calling; comments such as; "this thread is stupid"; "that blog is ____ [fill in the blank]; accusing people of being Jeremy; thinking that Jeremy is "thebesig" or vice versa; Strawman arguments or comments; taking you out of context; and comments pulled from ones behind -- or out of thin air. Their other defenses include accusing you of being in denial, of being a phony, of arguing from assumptions, of being Kathy Kindred, and of being someone from Demand Media Studios.

These zombies display a severe emotional reaction to an analogy that forces them to question their flawed reasoning.

If you want to get an idea of what they'll tell you in advance, read their comments on Demand Media Studios Sucks. Read their butthurt reactions to those that criticize them; to those they accuse of being Demand Media Studios Zombies; and to those who call them out on a blog post. Touch up on some conspiracy theories while you are at it... they're very susceptible to "Kool-Aid" reasoning.

Q: Where do these Demand Studios Sucks zombies come from?

Most, if not all, DSS zombies begin as thinking human beings. But a false sense of self importance and worth; false sense of being a writer; false sense of being a mature adult; a false sense of being a professional; and a false sense of accomplishment; leads them to thinking that they were entitled to more than what they deserved. Once reality smacked them in the face, they decided to complain and whine about things... instead of doing something to solve the Demand Media Studios problem.

Other people, unfortunately, did a Castro "face dive" into hopes that Demand Media Studios offered something big for their future.

But once facts and logic are applied to their dishonest tomes... their propaganda quickly falls apart on the account of not being able to stand up to intellectual scrutiny. Real writers... on the other hand... are quick to see the facts and are very quick to connect the dots. They're not suckered into confusing emotions as facts.

SOME humans; however, cling tenaciously to their, "Demand Media Studios Owes Me," social welfare line of reasoning that their brain begins to literally decay in their skulls. They have the appearance of humans, but - upon closer inspection - their glassy eyed stupefied stare and pungent aroma quickly identifies them to be DSS zombies!

Q: Should I shoot them? 

Heavens NO! It's against the law. The worst punishment you could give them is to let them continue being retards. It won't be long till their credibility commits suicide.

Q: Should I debate them? 

NO! This is about one of the most dangerous things a human being can do when this type of zombie confronts them. They're IMMUNE to facts, rational thought, and logical reasoning. Debating them encourages them to repeat their DSS zombie vitriol and drivels... this may attract MORE DSS zombies. It's best to ignore them, or hurl insults at them.

Q: Do Demand Studios Sucks zombies KNOW they are zombies? 

In most cases no, they still think they're rational human beings, and are usually completely devoid of a sense of humor. There are issues and areas that make perfect sense to them, though facts -- current and historical -- don't support what they think makes sense.

They believe that their drivel makes perfect sense to other people, even when common sense dictates otherwise. They see anyone that dares to use the facts to discredit their tripe as Jeremy, TheBesig, Kathy Kindred, an airplane crasher, or a Demand Media Studios employer/employee/writer.

A Demand Studios Sucks zombie, upon seeing this post, will display his/her lack of knowledge... that he/she is a DSS zombie... by trying to associate some of these zombie criteria on those who debate them... or on those who continue to write for DMS. This is consistent with their "boo hoo hoo DMS owes me work" mentality.

Q: Are all Demand Studios Sucks posters zombies? 

No. Many have posted on that board, and decided to move on. Those that tried to stay and talk sense into these zombies got the ban hammer. Many quit being DSS zombies by moving on with their lives.

Some of them, who remain behind, are borderline zombies. WARNING: too many facts at once can overload borderline DSS zombies, and fling them into a full-blown brain melt down. Handle these people gently!

Making them realize... that the Demand Media Studios job van isn't coming around... will hurl them into becoming DSS zombies.

Q: Are there other ways to spot a Demand Studios Sucks zombie? 

My word yes! People doing the following will often send any DSS zombie within earshot into a frothy frenzy of spewing utter nonsense:

* Updating their blogs with posts criticizing DSS zombie actions...
* Using their blogs to counter DSS zombie drivel...
* Criticize them on their forum or comments section...
* Countering their drivel on their forum or comments section
* Refusing to let their BS stand...
* Mention facts about themselves and their accomplishment that reminds these DSS zombies of the fact that  they're failures in life...

And so on...

If you want to quickly spot some DSS zombies, simply talk about them. This'll attract them to you, so use this trick with care.

Q: Can Demand Studios Sucks zombies ever say anything intelligent? Can we communicate with them? 

DSS zombies can say something intelligent that is NOT 100% retarded, but they usually follow that with name-calling or insults.

Q: But Writer Cubed, there are DSS zombie slammers that utilize name-calling and insults, does that make them DSS zombies as well? What if a DSS zombie slayer calls a DSS zombie a retard for example? 

If this happens, there is a very good chance that the recipient of this label is actually a retard. This isn't an insult on the account that the DSS zombie slayer is calling it like it is. This is different from someone calling you a "ball licker" because they don't have a factual or logical reply... or because they simply don't like what you said.

Q: Do Demand Studios Sucks zombies have a sense of humor? 

No. They usually mistake their sarcasm as "humor," when it actually qualifies as poor people skills.

Q: If someone doesn't have a sense of humor does that mean that they are a DSS zombie? 

They either don't find you funny or they just simply lack a sense of humor. We'll have to use other criteria to determine if they're a DSS zombie or not.

Q: What should I do if I accidentally try to be rational with Demand Studios Sucks zombies?

Quickly realize your mistake, ignore them, and then walk away - OR hurl insults at them until they call you Jeremy, TheBesig, Kathy Kindred, ball licker, Richard Lally, a DMS clone, etc, and walk away.

Q: Hey Writer Cubed, what do you do when the troll (DSS zombie) just won't go away? For the one-woman-debate-team and others like her just keep posting garbage and trash every chance they get. 

One common DSS zombie fighting tactic is to INSTANTLY reply to their post with a cut and paste from a site that has NOTHING to do with the original thread, let me give you an example:

Let's say that you get a thread title that reads as follows:

"Demand Media Studios Cares About us and Will Give us More Titles to Work With!"

Your initial reaction to this is to debunk it with facts... like how the DSS Zombie needs to find other writing clients. Stop... remember... this is NOT a human that we're dealing with here, but a Demand Studios Sucks zombie. Respond to the thread with cut/pastes from sites that have NOTHING to do with the original post... IE an article on alternative energy sources... a copy and paste of a sports event... or proper tire inflation pressure. Remember, Google is your friend!

Q: Dear Writer Cubed,

What should we do if a DSS zombie accidentally bites one of us? Their soulless, no writing career, anti-success, accuse others of their own traits, behavior isn't contagious, is it?

Please... I need answers quickly... I'm starting to feel like... like... like.... Die Demand Media Studios die and burn in hell with Kathy Kindred and TheBesig/Jeremy!

A: Bites don't cause Demand Studios Sucks zombie conversion. That's a self-inflicted condition. When a rational thinking human being clings tenaciously to anti DMS, Kathy Kindred, thebesig, etc, mantras in SPITE of facts and logic proving otherwise... Their brain suffers a massive meltdown and begins to rot in their skulls.

If you "feel" like you're becoming a Demand Studios Sucks zombie, turn off the computer and get a job. The feeling will soon pass.

Q: Hey Writer Cubed, what do I do when name-calling doesn't work?

If this DSS zombie is immune to name calling (a rare and extra annoying type of zombie) then simply say, "OH BE QUIET!" and walk away. Don't waste your time with these zombies. You'll get better reception arguing with the walls.

Q: What is the best way to recognize one of these zombies on the Internet? 

Watch for the "you got under my nerves", "clever," irate, or other types of butt-hurt responses to this post.

The Multiple Personality DSS Butt Muncher Denigrates Veterans Less Than 2 Weeks Before Armed Forces Day

"Joop, joop, joop. Jabba, jabba jabba." -- Retard Butt Muncher

I guess that's the noise that you make when you're busy munching on arse. That explains all the crap that you spew on Demand Studios Sucks.

"Oooh-wee! Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and marvel at just how fu@king crazy I really am. The fact that the military allows lunatics like me to play with munitions is truly amazing. Golly!" -- Retard Butt Muncher

The Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Anti Iraqi Force, etc, all think the same way. They think that everybody in the US military is crazy, a lunatic, etc. Unfortunately for them, they can't say it online without giving the authorities a way to track them down. They can't say that without putting themselves, or their lives, at risk.

You, on the other hand, could say it for them freely, without risk to life or person. That makes you a useful idiot for the enemy. You had a choice in life... fight for America, or badmouth her defenders by serving as a useful idiot for an organization that killed almost 3,000 people on US soil... in one day.

You said that, against a service member, in the month that contains Armed Forces Week, Armed Forces Day, and Memorial Day. We know who your loyalties are with.

You need to quit arguing with yourself. You need to quit talking to yourself on DSS, before you could accuse people of being crazy.

"Whoops: Gotta go post about all you DSS'ers." -- Retard Butt Muncher

Do you think that other DSS posters don't see through your childish "I want attention" games? Anybody tracking the conversations among your personalities could see you behind your different "DSS posters" posts. You don't need to tell the audience that you have to post about the other DSS'ers... ahem... your other personalities. It's blatantly obvious to them.

"My days are just packed with useful activity." -- Retard Butt Muncher

Hate to break your bubble, but arguing with yourself on Demand Studios Sucks doesn't constitute useful activity. It only makes you a useful idiot for the site owner, and for this blog. You're also giving the other posters free entertainment.

"Hugs," -- Retard Butt Muncher

The only thing that you're hugging is another woman's waist as you enjoy your butt munching fetish.

"your nemesis Jeremy, the weenie Besig." -- Retard Butt Muncher

So says the ding dong with weenie breasts, excessive curves, and a faint mustache over her upper lips. You probably thought that was residue from when you butt munched your girlfriend... until you tried to wash it. I wouldn't be surprised if you accidentally discovered your "breasts" by pinching what you thought were pimples.

"p.s. I have a Class 1 rating in ball-licking. Men. Dogs. Horses. Whatever. You got balls that need licking? I'm your guy." -- Retard Butt Muncher

No, you have a class 1 rating in arse licking. You're willing to lick any arse if the person is willing to receive it. Your friends must nickname you "toilet paper."

The Extra "CA" in the Word "Camacho" Must be Silent in Pronunciation and Spelling for This Turd

Intelligent people could manipulate borderline stupid, brain dead people. These people could say the right thing... to cause these dummies to enthusiastically jump in and make posts driven by bias rather than logic.

Demand Studios Sucks Zombie Camacho, or Cacamacho to match his name to his lack of intelligence, is the ideal propaganda audience. Page1News reposted a section of one of my posts. She did it in a way that'd stir the DMS zombies into a frothing-at-the-mouth frenzy.

The media does this when they want people to think a certain way. This should be proof of Page1News' journalistic background, in case people had doubts.

The post that she selected for quoting, along with her comment, were designed to get people to react a specific way. It worked... with someone that's easily manipulated. Cacamacho fell for her trick; hook, line and sinker.

In Psychological Warfare/Operations, that's called being vulnerable/receptive to a PSYOP Objective. Cacamacho would have a high vulnerability to being manipulated into carrying out a desired course of action.

What if all the terrorists in the world all of a sudden gained Cacamacho's manipulate-able mindset? We'd conclude the War on Terrorism within a week via a global leaflet drop on their positions. No additional shots fired.

If I was a thief, and I ran into a neighborhood full of Cacamachos, I'd easily convince them to leave their doors open... to leave their dogs elsewhere... to not offer any resistance... and to deactivate their alarms... by simply posting posters -- with the right message -- throughout the neighborhood. Some of them would even give me friendly small talk as I walked out with their belongings.

What a retard... this DMS zombie Cacamacho...

"If he's not getting enough validation and attaboys for his efforts, he should hire a hooker to stroke his ego and other body parts." -- Cacamacho

You're either blind, stupid, or both... or you're another retard that can't understand English written so that a 5th grader would understand what's being said.

Did you not see the comment of the person that I replied to? You know, the part where she farts out of her arse about a "job" being a "foreign" concept to me? What you replied to, you retard, is a rebuttal proving her insinuation wrong with first hand facts. She attacked me, and I fired back.

What I've repeatedly said:

"Other than my first post, the rest of my replies were reactive. They were dependent on what the opposition said." -- Writer Cubed

If you didn't know that, you shouldn't take part in this exchange... unless you don't mind sounding like an uneducated turd that's jumping onto the bandwagon. The fact that you'd ignore the "X" in the "If X, then Y," cause and effect relationship, destroys any credibility you'd have with this subject.

"Prostituting is a veritable job that requires peak physical condition and constant exposure to danger, so I'm sure his temporary lady friend will be happy to commiserate. Oh, but prostitutes don't get body armor, weapons, training, housing and government pensions." -- CACAmacho

Shame on you for denigrating military service... in a month containing Armed Forces Week, Armed Forces Day, and Memorial Day... to being something equivalent to what hookers do.

Your assumption is wrong, and reflects ignorance of both military and sex worker life. Do a simple Google search on prostitutes, independent escorts, hookers, etc. If what you said were true, every single picture that's shown for the escort, on the escort webpage brought up, would show a woman that's in peak physical condition.

Anybody with eyeballs, and common sense, would see that many of the slightly overweight, and overweight, independent providers, hookers, street walkers, etc, aren't in peak physical condition.

Although they're exposed to dangers, it's a danger that they can significantly mitigate... IE, they could refuse to see someone that fails their verification and vetting process.

Shame on you for even suggesting that these women face something comparable to what service members face downrange... thus putting them on equal footing when it comes to dangers faced.

We don't have the convenience of controlling who comes into the combat theater to pose a threat to us. Unlike those women, we can't just "remove" ourselves from the environment. That's a lot of mileage whether you travel by foot, or by air.

Prostitutes have the convenience of removing themselves from their environment... as well as the dangers they face... Talk to the women of "HIPS," if you think otherwise. We don't have that convenience downrange... so this isn't even close to being a comparison.

The level of danger is far higher for a combat Soldier downrange, than it is for a prostitute on US soil you dumbass. Hence, they don't need body armor to do their jobs.

You're also wrong about them not receiving weapons training. Many have clients that are more than happy to give them some range time.

If anybody should get with a prostitute, it should be you. The independent escort forums are full of women who know how to act civilized. Many act like real ladies. With your crappy attitude, and stupidity, there's a lot that you could learn from them.

DSS's Cacamacho Takes a Spork to a Machine Gun Fight

Piece of advice for the turds that argue with me: You can't go wrong by assuming the best case scenario about me. You'll land closer to the truth. You set yourself up for failure by assuming the worst case scenario about me. You definitely put your credibility on the chopping block when you do... as you're guaranteed to make the wrong assumption.

"Speaking of people who risk life and limb in war zones, thebesig might want to read this article on third country nationals hired by shady US contractors, poor foreigners who are duped into what is essentially indentured servitude. Those people would probably trade places with thebesig in a heartbeat. Thebesig got it pretty damn good in life by comparison." -- CACAmacho


Unlike you, dumbass, I've interacted with those people. Now sit back, relax, and watch me rub your face into your own stupidity.

It helps to pull your head out of your arse and to know the opposition before disbursing your caca... ahem opinion... about anything concerning the person you're talking about. It also helps to have first hand experience with all the topics that you refer to in that one turd drivel.

Based on your caca... ahem opinion piece... that you just crapped out, it's blatantly obvious that you've never been downrange. It's also blatantly obvious that you've never lived in a third world country. If you have, don't admit it... you'll only make yourself look worse.

I read the article, and it didn't tell me anything that I didn't know. It did; however, contain propaganda that simply wasn't true.

It was plainly obvious that the guy that took my ACUs in for cleaning was from India. It was plainly obvious that the guy working at the Green Beans Coffee Shop was from Pakistan... same with the guy working in the Subway concession stand. It was obvious that those working the fuel stations, in the DFAC, etc, were from Asian countries.

Well, most of them were. Others came from Eastern Europe. Most the FOB guards were mostly from Africa.

I have it good in life compared to them? Really? You're basing that on... what? Third hand information and a 20 second sound byte from someone that never set foot downrange?

Let's compare and contrast those third world nationals' lives with that of a combat soldier downrange.

The people that your article talked about were restricted to the major Forward Operating Bases, as well as to the Contingency Operating Bases. They were nowhere to be found in the combat outposts, where you would've found my unit, and me.

Now, had you been there, a qualification you'd need to have a leg to stand on in this topic, you would've seen a difference.

Tell a Soldier that he's going to go on a refit trip to one of these FOBs/COPs, and you'll make that Soldier's day. Why? FOBs/COPs were paradise compared to the outlaying combat outposts/patrol bases.

At the combat outposts we were at, we didn't have a DFAC that cooked decent meals. We didn't have a bunch of food type selections, "unlimited" water for showering, ready access to a shopping center, bazaars, movie theaters, massage parlors, etc.

Compared to your third world nationals, we lived in the most Spartan conditions. They lived far better than we did...

Unlike us, those "poor souls" were authorized to drink alcoholic beverages. Those "poor souls" had TVs in the rooms with multiple channels... those antennas over their hooches were a big giveaway. They had the option of swimming in the FOB's outdoor pools... well, many of them should've taken advantage given their body order.

Poor souls, how dare we torture them by giving them rooms with carpeting, microwaves and refrigerators? How dare we restrict them by not requiring them to travel in battle buddy pairs! Allowing them to wear comfortable civilian clothing in the brutal heat must be torture! Ohh the inhumanity! How dare we allow them comfortable buses, mini buses, and super SUVs as their public transportation?

Guess what, Cacamacho, I've talked to these people. They DID NOT want to do what we were doing. They DID NOT want to assume our risks, or our duties.

Heck, putting submarine sandwiches together at Subway would've been relaxing compared to what we did. No troop leading procedures, no sensitive items to track and test, no armor to wear as part of the uniform... no sectors to scan...

In fact, you'd be safer in those FOBs than in many parts of the US. Those FOBs were the safest places for foreign nationals, and everybody else, to be in. They were also the most comfortable places to be at.

Compared to their countrymen, they were making a financial killing. They were doing far better, salary wise, than their counterparts who decided to stay in their home country. They were getting paid more even than most their countrymen who were working for foreign companies.

Why? One reason was that KBR et all had to up their monetary incentives to get these guys to come to a combat zone. But, even after they upped the offered salary, these guys didn't cost as much as their commercial American counterparts, many who where making 6 figures for 12 months of being there.

Many of the guys that I talked to, who fit the people your article talks about, were there for YEARS when they only had to do a year. They were there by CHOICE, not force.

Even the Ugandan guards had it better than us. Yes, they faced risk defending the base perimeter, but it wasn't as great as that as the Air Ground Base Defense Airmen who secured the area immediately beyond the base perimeter... and definitely not as great as those of us who operated out of combat outposts in the country side.

The article erroneously claimed that these people were "tricked" and got subjected to bait and switch. WRONG. I don't know where that propagandist got her information. The Asians that I talked to spoke English, and knew what they were getting into prior to coming to the theater.

Like I said earlier, many were there for multiple years, by choice.

Many of those workers were from the Philippines. They wouldn't think twice about taking up an arduous job, with family separation, to make more money than what they'd make in the Philippines.

No "sheet" Sherlock, they were going to remain in the FOBs. That's where most service members, government employees and contractors stayed. With people out in town that'd kill you on the drop of a dime, you'd want to stay inside the FOB too. Most of these foreign nationals didn't want to go out in sector either.

Bringing foreign nationals in from Asia and Europe saved us from bringing potential double's in from the host nation... you know... like the hadjis that ran concession stands during the day time, then lobbed mortars on that same base at night.

Oh! But wait! You might exclaim, what about the fact that these guys live in 3rd world countries! What do you say to that Writer Cubed/thebesig?

You lose even with that approach. I spent 5 years living in a 3rd world country before. I lived in environments that ranged from the bare basic...

I know what it's like living without an electricity or plumbing infrastructure... with air conditioning consisting of whatever wind come trough the floors, doors and window... with bathing involving well pump operations... with cooking involving setting a pot over three or four rocks on the ground... living in a shelter with a design in use since the pre-historic times... favela like environment that makes American slums look like brand new upper middle class Las Vegas neighborhoods.

Both of those conditions are better than the conditions we live in during our FTXs on US soil.

Those third world nationals definitely lived in better conditions... back in their home countries in the 21st Century... than what I experienced sometime in the 20th Century. If you weren't ignorant of events that took place in the real world, beyond your local Walmart, you'd realize that much of Asia has progressed rapidly since the late 1970s/early 1980s.

That rate of development started to accelerate exponentially prior to the end of the decade ending in 2010.

Shake the image that the propagandist successfully planted into your head. With her "meager chow halls" comment, it's blatantly obvious that she didn't personally go to any of the FOBs downrange. If she did, she would've discovered that the food offered rivaled, and sometimes surpassed, food that you'd eat in a decent American restaurant.

Those were things we didn't have in the outlaying patrol bases, where we had MREs or Field prepared meals. Our best bet were home cooked local national food from homes outside the outpost.

Piece of advice: Know the facts about the person that you're talking about... so that you don't come across as a complete, ignorant, dumbarse retard with his head shoved so far up his arse he needs a glass belly button to see.

It also helps if you had first hand experience with what you're talking about.

But wait! There's more!

None of those third world nationals would trade their air conditioning, indoor plumbing, electricity, etc, at their home countries, for the conditions that we have to endure when we're out in the field here in the US.

If you were to choose living conditions... with bare field issue out in the field, against what someone has in a third world country, you'd chose the 3rd world living conditions in a heartbeat. Nobody living in a third world country would trade what they have for something that we have while out in the field. Not by a long shot.

I recently spent time in a third world Asian country. None of the people that I saw there subjected themselves to the same conditions we subjected ourselves out in the field here in the US.

When there are many ways to show you how your assumptions are wrong, it's time for you to re-evaluate your opinion and to bring it closer to reality.