Thursday, December 28, 2017

Memorandum, Retired Reserve and IRR Transfer

Soldiers requesting transfer from the Troop Program Unit (TPU) to the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), Standby Reserve, Retired Reserve, etc., must include a memorandum with their transfer packet.

This post lists examples of Soldier memorandums requesting transfer to the IRR and to the Retired Reserve.

Select transfer scenarios are addressed; however, there is a common theme that's included among all transfer request memorandums. One of these is the need to reference the applicable sections in AR 140-10, Army Reserve Assignments, Attachments, Details, and Transfers regulation.

Representative Memorandum Samples

You can adjust these examples for a packet requesting transfer to the Standby Reserve, transfer to another Troop Program Unit (TPU), or transfer to the Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA). These examples can also be utilized, and adjusted, for other justifications for transferring into the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). 

Bracketed Information for Changing Information

The bracketed statements below are variable information. Replace what's listed in brackets with the information that's required, and drop the brackets.

Since the Soldier is applying to transfer to another reserve component, the transfer packet must persuade the reviewers and signers to support the transfer request... And ultimately to get the packet approved.

You have to include documentations to support the justifications that you list in the memorandum. It's best to have affidavits from professionals relevant to the justification for the IRR or Standby Reserve transfer. For example, if you're applying to transfer to the IRR due to dependency hardship, you want to include affidavits from doctors, social workers, members of your chain of command, members of your NCO support channel privy to your hardship, and a statement from your dependent.

Generally speaking, federal statute, or Army regulations, specifically identify situations that allow for transfer. Examples include 6 x 2 initial enlistment contracts, and transfers to the Retired Reserve.

Refer to AR 25-50 for specific memorandum formatting and for including and annotating enclosures.

Sample IRR Transfer Memorandum, 6 x 2 Enlistment Contract

In this scenario, a Soldier completed his or her six-year drilling reserve obligation. The Soldier wishes to transfer to the IRR for the last two years of his or her eight-year obligation.

MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, [Soldier's unit]

SUBJECT: Individual Ready Reserve Transfer Request for [rank and name for Soldier requesting transfer]

PURPOSE:  Request Transfer to the Individual Ready Reserve for Completion of Contractual Agreement.

1. Per AR 140-10, Chapter 4, Paragraph 4-9d, completion of contractual agreement to serve in a TPU on initial enlistment in the USAR under a 6x2 option, request transfer from the Troop Program Unit (TPU) to the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). I've completed my 6-year contractual obligation and wish to transfer to the IRR for the remainder of my Military Service Obligation (MSO).

2. Point of Contact for this memorandum is the undersigned at [phone number including area code] or [Soldier email address].

Note: see below on details for the signature block.

Sample IRR Transfer Memorandum, Pregnancy

In this scenario, a Soldier is pregnant, and desires transfer from the TPU to the IRR. This Soldier isn't within 3 months of her ETS, she's credited with IET completion, and she has an MOS.

MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, [Soldier's unit]

SUBJECT: Individual Ready Reserve Transfer Request for [rank and name for Soldier requesting transfer]

PURPOSE:  Request Transfer to the Individual Ready Reserve Due to Pregnancy.

1. Per AR 140-10, Chapter 4, Paragraph 4-9g, and Paragraph 4-14, voluntary reassignment for pregnancy, request transfer from the Troop Program Unit (TPU) to the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). Per Paragraph 4-14, I've completed IET, have been awarded an MOS, and am not within 3 months of ETS.

2. [Doctor affidavit 1], [doctor affidavit 2], [Soldier, officer affidavit], and [Soldier, other relevant unit Soldier affidavit], are included as supporting documents in my IRR transfer request packet.

3. Point of Contact for this memorandum is the undersigned at [phone number including area code] or [soldier email address].

Note: affidavits must come from both doctors and Soldiers in the unit privy to the soldier's pregnancy. Unit soldiers, in this situation, substantiate the need for the pregnant soldier to transfer to the IRR. Ideally, these Soldiers should include the first commissioned officer in the Soldier's chain of command, as well as a senior NCO in the Soldier's NCO support channel.

Sample IRR Transfer Memorandum, Employment Conflict

In this scenario, a Soldier has a valid employment conflict that prevents him or her from participating in the TPU or IMA. This soldier has an MOS, has completed IET, and isn't within 3 months of ETS.

MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, [unit]

SUBJECT: Individual Ready Reserve Transfer Request for [rank and name for Soldier requesting transfer]

PURPOSE:  Request Transfer to the Individual Ready Reserve Due to Employment Conflict.

1. Per AR 140-10, Chapter 4, Paragraph 4-9a, unresolvable employment conflict, request reassignment from the Troop Program Unit (TPU) to the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). I've completed IET, have been awarded an MOS, and am not within 3 months of ETS.

2. Employment conditions have changed since enlistment [or reenlistment], this employment condition is permanent. My job relocated me to [geographic location], and there are no Army Reserve TPU within reasonable commuting distance. [Or, the nature of my new job prohibits effectively participating in the nearest TPU] or [the nature of my new job prohibits effectively participating in the TPU].

3. My specific employment conflict involves [detailed, concise, explanation of hardship, without providing sensitive or privileged information. Include potential hardship to the Soldier if employment is lost].

4. I attempted to resolve my employment conflict using the guidelines for attempting to resolve dependency hardship per Paragraph 4-13b(1)(a)-(c). Per Paragraph 4-13b(1)(d), reassignment to the IRR is the only available means to alleviate the unresolvable employment conflict condition.

5. [Affidavit from (name and title of professional), (professional's specialty)]; [affidavit from (name and title of additional professional) (additional professional's specialty], [additional affidavits individually listed as first two examples], and [final affidavit, listed similar to previous examples], are included as enclosures to document the nature of the employment conflict [or employment hardship].

5. Point of Contact for this memorandum is the undersigned at [phone number including area code] or [soldier email address].

Note: guidelines for affidavits are similar to those listed for Soldier pregnancy above.

Details on the signature block are listed below.

Sample IRR Transfer Memorandum, Dependency Hardship

In this scenario, a Soldier is dealing with a dependency hardship issue, and is not able to resolve the hardship while remaining in a drill status. Consequently, the Soldier is requesting transfer from the TPU to the IRR, to alleviate the hardship. This Soldier isn't within 3 months of ETS, has completed IET, and has an MOS.

MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, [Soldier's unit]

SUBJECT: Individual Ready Reserve Transfer Request for [rank and name for Soldier requesting transfer]

PURPOSE:  Request Transfer to the Individual Ready Reserve Due to Dependency Hardship.

1. Per AR 140-10, Chapter 4, Paragraph 4-9f, Paragraph 4-11b(4), and Paragraph 4-13, voluntary reassignment for dependency or hardship, request reassignment from the Troop Program Unit (TPU) to the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). Per Paragraph 4-13b(1)(e), I've completed IET, have been awarded an MOS, and am not within 3 months of ETS.

2. My specific hardship involves [detailed, concise, explanation of hardship, without providing sensitive or privileged information].

3. I have attempted to resolve my hardship per Paragraph 4-13b(1)(a)-(c). Per Paragraph 4-13b(1)(d), reassignment to the IRR is the only available means to alleviate the dependency [or hardship] condition.

4. [Affidavit from (name and title of professional), (professional's specialty)]; [affidavit from (name and title of additional professional) (additional professional's specialty], [additional affidavits individually listed as first two examples], and [final affidavit, listed similar to previous examples], are included as enclosures to document the nature of the dependency [or hardship] and the need for my assistance. Additionally, I have also included a statement from [name of dependent affected by Soldier's absence, or a representative for the dependent].

5. Point of Contact for this memorandum is the undersigned at [phone number including area code] or [soldier email address].

Note: guidelines for affidavits are the same as listed in the scenarios above, as well as in AR 140-10. This regulation provides detailed requirements for what needs to be included in the affidavits.

Sample Retired Reserve Transfer Request Memorandum

In this scenario, an enlisted Soldier is requesting transfer to the Retired Reserve. The Notice of Eligibility to Retire with Pay at 60 Letter (20 Year Letter), is one of the supporting documentation that's included with this packet.

MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, [Soldier's unit]

SUBJECT: Retired Reserve Transfer Request for [rank and soldier name]

PURPOSE:  Request Transfer to the Retired Reserve.

1. Per AR 140-10, Chapter 6, Section I; and AR 600-8-7, Chapter 9, Paragraph 9-10, request transfer from the Troop Program Unit (TPU) to the Retired Reserve. I am in receipt of my Notice of Eligibility to Retire with Pay at 60 Letter (20 Year Letter).

3. My 20 Year Letter is included in this request. My latest DA Form 5016, Retirement Year End Date [date], reflects [number of years] good years of military service.

4. Point of Contact for this memorandum is the undersigned at [phone number including area code] or [soldier email].

Signature Block

Refer to AR 25-50, Preparing and Managing Correspondence, for composition and placement of signature block.


[First Name] [Last Name]
[Rank] [Enlisted branch official abbreviation]



AR 140-10 Army Reserve Assignments, Attachments, Details, and Transfers
AR 25-50 Preparing and Managing Correspondence