Thursday, November 15, 2012

DMS is Getting a Better Idea of who the Writers are on DSS.

Expect Demand Studios' CEs to "Have it in" for them... 
Demand Studios Sucks Zombies are figuring out who's who, among the DMS CE team. They're doing this based on the different Demand Studios CE writing persona. They may be right on, close, or they could be wrong. But, let's assume for the sake of argument that these DSS zombies have figured out which CE wrote which re-write comment.

If that's the case, then the Demand Media Studios editorial team would know who's who among the DSS zombies. It works both ways. Unfortunately for these writers, DMS knows them by name and have access to their profile. All they'd have to do is compare writing styles on DSS to writing styles on DMS.

Content Editors have enough information, from the writer's DMS profile as well as the writer's DSS writing, to use as a "Rosetta Stone," to figure out who's who among the DSS Zombies.

Enter the "double agents." These would be DSS Zombies, working for Demand Media, pretending that they don't like DMS. In one of their "butt-hurt" rants, they'd post a link to the DMS Zombie forums to show the rest of the DSS zombies how messed up the DMS zombies are.

It goes something like this...

"Hey guys, follow this link to hear the noise the DMS sheep make!" Of course, the DSS zombies click that link, then view the nonsense taking place on Demand Studios. They come back and add to the original thread with their own observations of the Demand Studios zombies. They don't realize, though, that they've given Demand Studios' "hackers" enough information to zero in on them... and connect their DMS zombie identity to their DSS zombie identity.

From there, it's the crap list. The Demand Studios editors enter a negative note in the DSS Zombie's DMS profile. The profile is available when the CE claims their article for editing. The DSS zombie can't see this note, but DMS editors can. From there, it's a matter of one CE drumming up an excuse to hammer the targeted writer. This includes a series of actions that'd reduce that writer's chances of continuing to write for Demand Studios.

This is easier said than done. The folks at Demand Media Studios would have a harder time to put this concept to work when it comes to taking action. Result? The targeted Demand Studios Sucks zombie continues to write on borrowed time until DMS whacks their writing permissions.

The more a Demand Studios Sucks zombie posts on Demand Studios Sucks, in response to the blog entries or on the threads, the higher their risk of ending up on the CE crap list. This leads to an increased chance that they won't be able to continue to write for Demand Media Studios.

On a bright note, a Demand Studios writer rating doesn't mean anything in the real writing world.

Braindead DSS Zombie Makes Stupid Comments Before the Anniversary of the Terrorist Attacks

[quote] lame azz commenter guy as "Jeremy Briggs"
September 4, 2012 at 7:02 am * Reply
I need a spanking. I'll put my gag ball in my mouth and everyone can go to town on me.
Then we will go flying! At least for a few minutes. I haven't yet worked out that landing thing.[/quote]

So let's get this straight. A week before the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, you comment about flying despite "not having the landing down." If that was supposed to be a joke, shame on you. Not only did it lack in humor, it lacked in social grace. It showed insensitivity to anybody in the free world.

At least you recognize that you need a spanking. It's unfortunate that you can't come up with the courage to leave the basement, go upstairs, and convince your mother to put a gag ball in your mouth before laying you over her lap. I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted your mom to spank your bare bottom with her bare palms. That'll turn you on, wouldn't it?

...all this time your mother thought that you were hopeless and non-correctable, you were enjoying every minute of her whipping you.

Zombie Turd Skips his Psychotropic Medications Again...

[quote]Lame azz commenter guy as "Oh, poor Jeremy"
October 7, 2012 at 5:25 am * Reply
Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.
Still projecting your neuroses, Briggs? You sad little besig. Gone off your meds again.
Poorly-rated. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 11[/quote]

It appears that the staff at your group home is undermanned, or is caught up with the other residents, as they're unable to keep you away from the computers. You need to quit cheeking your meds, then spitting them into the toilet when the staff departs your room. There's a reason to why your doctor prescribed psychotropic medications for you. Your posting as different names, and arguing against yourself, is proof that you've been pulling fast ones during your medication passes.

The sooner you take your meds, on your medication schedules, the sooner the DSS zombies could have some "stability" on their blog posts sections... in the form of your absence.

I hope that the staff takes your color coded map of the facility away. This way, you stay lost. The more time you spend wondering aimlessly around the facility, the less time you'll spend interrupting the DSS Zombies on Demand Studios Sucks.

I'm too Good for Textbroker, so I'll Write for Free Instead!

[quote]Troll pretending to be someone that regularly posts on Demand Studios Sucks
October 7, 2012 at 11:22 am * Reply
Idiot. I'm a 5. But I know better than to write for Textbroker anymore.
Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 9 Thumb down 10[/quote]

Yup, this person is too good to write for Textbroker, but not too good to provide free content to Demand Studios Sucks. The difference in income might be small, but chump change is still better than zero dollars and zero cents.

I Control Every Cubic Inch of DSS Zombie Head, Even When They're Out of Sight, Out of Mind...

Brain Dead DSS Zombie: Oh, poor Jeremy
Nope, not poor. I'm just having a blast destroying you people, then going away for weeks... knowing full well that you're going to prove to me that I occupy a large spot in your heads... then I come back to destroy you people again.

I'm going to keep hammering you turds even while I'm on my deathbed.
Brain Dead DSS Zombie post time:  October 13, 2012 at 5:52 am * Reply
That's the time you crapped your comment out. While you were doing that, I was overseas at my vacation home. I didn't even think about you, your fellow zombies, or Demand Studios Sucks while I was there.

I know that the losers that hate me would go "mad" once they see this... I just love to remind them of their station in life... a station they wouldn't be in had they exercised better judgment in life.
Brain Dead DSS Zombie: Pvt. Briggs 
I was never an E-1. I came in as an E-3 due to having college credits prior to joining. I don't know of any private that has been in the military as long as I have. You fail as a troll for not even trying better with this part of your comment.
Brain Dead DSS Zombie: -- you are a funny boy. 
I'm glad that you find my stomping your head, as well as that of your fellow DSS zombies, into the ground as my being very funny. Also, you'd have to be as old as the Crypt Keeper to see me as a "boy." No... wait... judging by the crap that you posted, I wouldn't be surprised if you were the Crypt Keeper himself.
Brain Dead DSS Zombie: Seldomn have we enjoyed such laffs. 
Don't mistake the voices in your head as "we." That's just you and your other personalities. I take it you're skipping on your meds because that's how the "others come" and converse with you. Heaven forbid you take those meds and you find out that nobody likes to talk to you.
Brain Dead DSS Zombie: Yopu are certifiable, skippy-boy.
You don't know me Skippy, we've never met, and you're in no position to certify me in anything.
Brain Dead DSS Zombie: Whacking off into your own feces while watching your eyes go round-and-round in the mirror. Pure comedy. Besig.
If you weren't a couple of IQ points below being a retard, I would've attached symbolism to the words that you used here. Are you that lonely that you'll jump onto DSS and tell everybody what you do when your mother isn't around to keep you in her basement? It appears that even with her separating you from your brothers and sisters, to prevent you from arguing with them... you manage to argue with yourself... and to throw your other personalities under the bus in front of an audience that's following you out of morbid curiosity.

Pssst! Newsflash dummy! The person looking in the mirror is you. The sooner you take your psychotropic medications, the sooner you'll realize that.
Brain Dead DSS Zombie: You spend mor time on this site than the owners. Dumbass.
I don't have time to constantly come to the Demand Studios Sucks site. Since I'm willing to keep hammering you turds indefinitely, I check the DSS site out once in a while, copy and paste the idiotic posts you turds make, generate my replies, then come to this blog to post them. The time duration, from reading, copying, then posting could take weeks. It doesn't take long to generate these replies either, and they do sit for those weeks until I finally post them.

I posted my previous series of replies back in August. What happened since then?

While I'm making money, doing constructive things, and going places, you're on DSS, your face plastered to your computer screen, drooling as your fingers rap away on your keyboard.

It's like what I said before. I own every cubic inch of space in you idiots' empty brain dome. Even when I'm in another part of the world, involved with what I'm doing there and not thinking about you, you're on here posting as different personalities.

I have THAT much control over you turds.

I wouldn't be surprised that when you guys were born, your mothers took you back to the doctor that delivered you and asked, "Is this a JOKE?"

Logic Won't Work on a Zombie That's Skipping its Meds

[quote]Originally posted by Patrick
Before I post these blurbs that some kind enough DSS writers were helpful enough to send in, let me just address the lame ass commenter guy.
Look dude -you're a young man. You're smart enough to know how to change your IP address so you can keep commenting after we ban you. You have a promising career in the military.
You've got a lot of positive things going for you.
So, why in the hell do you spend your time, not only leaving comments on a blog that -- according to you, nobody cares about -- and, beyond that, but comments that you have to route through another IP?
You're REALLY going out of your way to leave a comment that might be up for an hour or two before Richard or I or Eve ban it.
Who's the REAL loser here?
Go outside. Run in the grass barefoot. Eat a peach. Kiss a girl/guy -- whatever floats your boat.
In short, have a life.[/quote]

This appeal would work with a person that's capable of intelligent thought and discourse. But, you see, you're not dealing with one of those kinds of people. In fact, you're not dealing with a rational human being at all. You're dealing with a zombie that keeps skipping on its psychotropic meds.

I don't know if he's/she's smart enough to change his/her IP, but I do know that this turd is "smart" enough to slide his meds between his/her tongue and cheek, in a way that'll fool the staff into thinking that this person took the medication.

Maybe someone in the group home staff knows about "changing IPs." Perhaps if he cooperates and takes his psychotropic medications, this staff member would teach him how to "change IPs." Until then, this staff member probably enjoys convincing this turd that the former has magic, and could shift the later's current IP to something else.

Promising career in the military? I doubt it. The fact that he has to take his psychotropic medications is a disqualifier. This troll wouldn't even make it through MEPS. If he/she needs to be led by the thumbs on how to complete paperwork, to include explanations to words exceeding four letters, there's no way this turd would make it in the military... let alone, to the military.

He can't abide by your requests, what makes people think he'll follow orders at MEPS?

As for positive things about this turd? Well, his/her games, on the blog comments section, are a source of laughter. If he/she could convince plenty of people that he/she is me, or other people, then there are bigger retards running around... people who should be in group homes, away from the computer, and not in their mother's basements.

As for his going out of his way to post something that'll end up being taken down. Remember, this clown is on medications. That must be the meds pushing him to put plenty of effort on a post that's going to be deleted anyway. Maybe that's a good sign. Perhaps the group home staff is letting this turd on the computer to see if he has been taking his meds or not.

If this clown makes idiotic posts on Demand Studios Sucks, or anywhere else, they could easily guess that he's cheeking his meds.

I wouldn't tell him to go outside and play though. These folks have to be supervised. This guy just might run, face smack, onto oncoming traffic if he's sent outside without adult supervision.