Expect Demand Studios' CEs to "Have it in" for them...Demand Studios Sucks Zombies are figuring out who's who, among the DMS CE team. They're doing this based on the different Demand Studios CE writing persona. They may be right on, close, or they could be wrong. But, let's assume for the sake of argument that these DSS zombies have figured out which CE wrote which re-write comment.
If that's the case, then the Demand Media Studios editorial team would know who's who among the DSS zombies. It works both ways. Unfortunately for these writers, DMS knows them by name and have access to their profile. All they'd have to do is compare writing styles on DSS to writing styles on DMS.
Content Editors have enough information, from the writer's DMS profile as well as the writer's DSS writing, to use as a "Rosetta Stone," to figure out who's who among the DSS Zombies.
Enter the "double agents." These would be DSS Zombies, working for Demand Media, pretending that they don't like DMS. In one of their "butt-hurt" rants, they'd post a link to the DMS Zombie forums to show the rest of the DSS zombies how messed up the DMS zombies are.
It goes something like this...
"Hey guys, follow this link to hear the noise the DMS sheep make!" Of course, the DSS zombies click that link, then view the nonsense taking place on Demand Studios. They come back and add to the original thread with their own observations of the Demand Studios zombies. They don't realize, though, that they've given Demand Studios' "hackers" enough information to zero in on them... and connect their DMS zombie identity to their DSS zombie identity.
From there, it's the crap list. The Demand Studios editors enter a negative note in the DSS Zombie's DMS profile. The profile is available when the CE claims their article for editing. The DSS zombie can't see this note, but DMS editors can. From there, it's a matter of one CE drumming up an excuse to hammer the targeted writer. This includes a series of actions that'd reduce that writer's chances of continuing to write for Demand Studios.
This is easier said than done. The folks at Demand Media Studios would have a harder time to put this concept to work when it comes to taking action. Result? The targeted Demand Studios Sucks zombie continues to write on borrowed time until DMS whacks their writing permissions.
The more a Demand Studios Sucks zombie posts on Demand Studios Sucks, in response to the blog entries or on the threads, the higher their risk of ending up on the CE crap list. This leads to an increased chance that they won't be able to continue to write for Demand Media Studios.
On a bright note, a Demand Studios writer rating doesn't mean anything in the real writing world.